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PARIS, France -- As Mickey Mouse gets ready to mark his 75th birthday, his parent company's European operations has put a dampener on the celebrations .

PARIS has found that the French believe the most beautiful kiss they have ever seen was the one Clark Gable planted on Vivien Leigh's mouth in “Gone With the Wind”. 巴黎发现法国人认为他们见过的最美丽的吻是在“飘”这部电影中:克拉克·盖博印在费雯丽唇上的吻。
PARIS - Emmanuelle Laborit is a strikingly expressive actress. 艾曼纽?拉波希特是位表现力非常丰富的女演员。
PARIS, Feb. 2 — In a bleak and powerful assessment of the future of the planet, the leading international network of climate change scientists has concluded for the first time that global warming is unequivocaland that human activity is the main driver, v 巴黎,2月2日,在一份悲观且具有权威性的全球未来气候评估中,几位国际气候变化领军专家总结道,首次全球变暖是不可避免的,人类活动是其主要缘由,很又可能始于1950。
PARIS, France (AP) -- The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci's portrait of the unknown woman with the enigmatic smile, is sparking a new kind of mystery: What is causing the Renaissance masterpiece to deteriorate so quickly? 法国,巴黎----一个关于由达芬奇所绘面带神秘微笑,身世不明的蒙娜丽莎画像新秘密正引起了人们关注:是什么原因,导致这幅文艺复兴时期的不朽名作画质退化如此迅速?
PARIS, France (CNN) -- Thirteen people have died and 32 were injured at a shipyard at Saint-Nazaire, France, when a gangway leading to the world's largest passenger ship, Queen Mary 2, collapsed , police said. 法国巴黎(CNN)据警官报道,正在法国圣纳泽尔市建造的世界最大邮轮“玛丽女王二世”舷梯倒塌,造成13人死亡,32人受伤。
PARIS, France -- As Mickey Mouse gets ready to mark his 75th birthday, his parent company's European operations has put a dampener on the celebrations . 法国,巴黎就在米老鼠准备庆祝75岁生日时,欧洲的迪士尼公司却给庆祝会波了一盆冷水。
PARIS, Jan. 29 — Scientists from across the world gathered Monday to hammer out the final details of an authoritative report on climate change that is expected to project centuries of rising temperatures and sea levels unless there are curbs in emissions 各国的科学家将在周一(2007.1.29)集会,讨论一份有关气候变迁的权威报告之最终细节.此报告将预测在未来的世纪中,如果二氧化碳及其它温室气体之排放未受到抑制,气温及海平面的上升幅度.
PARIS: Biochemists in the US beliee they may hae found the Achilles heel of the H5N1 irus — and not just of the bird flu pathogen but of a wide range of other influenza strains. 巴黎:美国的生化学家相信他们发现了H5N1病毒的阿喀琉斯之踵--不仅是禽流感病原体,还包括其他的多种流感毒株.
PARIS: Chelsea's Ghanaian midfielder Michael Essien was not contrary to reports arrested on a drink driving charge this week, one of his entourage told AFP on Wednesday. 巴黎消息:周三,切尔西的加纳中场埃辛身边的一位工作人员否认了埃辛本周因酒后驾车被拘。
PARIS: High oil prices are the result of geopolitical tensions, rather than a shortage of crude supplies, Opec ministers said yesterday. 紧张局势对油价的走高的影响已经超过了原油短缺。欧佩克官员昨日宣布。
PARIS: Younger than she are happy mothers made. 帕里斯:比她年纪更小的人,都已经做了幸福的母亲了。

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