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As with sports teams, group work can only be successful when group members respect, help and support each other, while the work division is clear and each member performs at the right level in the role that is most suitable to him or her.

As with regular clays, the fumes are not toxic unless the LS burns. 与常规陶泥一样,烘焙时的烟气是无毒的,除非燃烧起来。
As with sarcomas in general, leiomyosarcomas have spindle cells. Several mitoses are seen here, just in this one high power field. 正如肉瘤的一般特点,平滑肌肉瘤中可见梭形细胞,仅一个高倍视野中就可见多个病理性核分裂象。
As with scientific and technologic developments, its implications and methods have greatly and profoundly changed.Various factors influence the quality of clinical decision making,including evidence-based guidelines,empiric tools, innovations,humanism,fin 有许多的因素影响或决定临床决策的质量,如何正确处理好循证医学证据与经验、传统方法和现代技术、创新与人文主义精神、技术与费用等关系是一个十分复杂的课题,需要从临床、经济、社会和法律等多方面加以研究和探索。
As with seasonal influenza, the principal defences against a new pandemic influenza strain are vaccination and antiviral drugs. 与季节性流感一样,新流感大流行的预防有免疫接种和抗流感药。
As with shaking, crushed ice should not be used, and water condensing on the outside shows that the cocktail is finished. 如同摇和法,该用冰块而非碎冰;当调酒杯外水汽凝结时,鸡尾酒即告完成。
As with sports teams, group work can only be successful when group members respect, help and support each other, while the work division is clear and each member performs at the right level in the role that is most suitable to him or her. 正如运动队一样,小组活动只有在相互尊重,相互帮助相互支持的情况下才能取得成功,与此同时,小组分工要明确,每个成员都能在最适合他们的角色上发挥正常的水平。
As with the CTD600, the principle of temperature control (convection and radiation) and the symmetrical design allow precise and reliable measurements. 跟CTD600一样,温度控制的原理(对流和辐射)和对称设计让测量更精确更可靠。
As with the Culinary Olympics, the I-lot and Cold WACS Criteria apply. 规则和「世厨协会冷盘」规则对「烹饪奥运」也是一样有效的。
As with the Fitters' study of plant flowering, most of the studies reviewed by the IPCC did not investigate whether changes have been or will be harmful, but Alastair Fitter nonetheless believes adverse effects are inevitable: “When things flower may be r 如同菲特父子对植物开花时间的研究,IPCC检阅的多数研究并没有调查这些改变是否有害,或是否将造成伤害。
As with the booming drug trade generally, there is no easy solution. 象贩毒这样交易的迅速上涨,一般没有简单的解决方法。
As with the breast cancer study, the dose-response data on a total of 1,448 individuals were put into order by serum 25(OH)D level and then divided into five equal groups, from the lowest blood levels to the highest. 和乳腺癌研究一样,对总数1448的个体剂量依赖性数据根据血清中25(OH)D水平进行排序,然后从最低血中浓度到最高血中浓度分成五个平均组。

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