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In a nominative proxy signature scheme, only the nominee can verify the signature.

In Vitro Germination of Pleione yunnanensis 云南独蒜兰的种子无菌萌发研究
In Vitro Selection and Identification of Heat-Tolerant Clonal Line Z_(--)of Senecio cruentus 瓜叶菊耐热无性系Z_(--)的离体筛选与初步鉴定
In Vitro Study of Trichloroethylene-induced Keratinocytes Damage and Protective Role of Vitamin E and Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extracts 三氯乙烯致皮肤角质形成细胞损伤及维生素E、银杏叶提取物保护作用的体外研究
In XRF spectra of Lyngbya major , the content of K is lower than Ca, the content of Zn is high. 在大型鞘丝藻中 ,K比 Ca少 ,Zn的含量较高。
In a high proportion of these women the prolactin was found by gel chromatography to be circulating in polymeric forms (big-big prolactin and big pro'lactin). 其循环中催乳素以生物活性较低的多聚型‘大’与‘大大’分子催乳素占主要成份,有人称作假高催乳素血症。
In a nominative proxy signature scheme, only the nominee can verify the signature. 在提名的代理签名方案中,只有被提名者能验证签名的有效性。
In a word,the effect of connate water and stress sensitivity on development of low-permeability gas reservoir should be paid enough attention. 共生水的存在以及应力敏感性对低渗气田开发的影响应引起足够的重视。
In ad libitum treatments of experiment , dorsal adipose tissue ob gene, Ob-Rl and IGF- mRNA expression were increased by feeding the diet containing . MJ/kg DE compared with the diets containing . and .7 MJ/kg DE. 果表明ob、Ob-Rl和IGF-基因在采食.MJ/kg DE日粮时和 .,.7 MJ/kg DE比较,表达上升了。
In addition, ELISA was aiso used to examine other virus antibodies ( i.e.MHV, Sendai, LCM, EHF, and Ectromelia ) . 果表明,检出阳性率为7.9~ .%,同时检测另种病毒抗体(MHV,Sendai EHF,Ectromelia,LCM)发现Reo_ 居第四位。
In addition, Mix-labeled RFLP groups can be used as effective markers in karotype analysis of rice and the analysis of colinearity or synteny among cereals. 由于水稻中与已知功能基因紧密连锁的RFLP标记具有数量丰富、分布密集等优势 ,揭示了混合标记的RFLP在禾本科植物同线性和共线性分析中的广阔应用前景。 此外 ,混合标记的RFLP还可以用于染色体的准确识别和核型分析。
In addition, five cases of histoid leproma were met at the Skin Clinic in 98 to 987,ma- king up . % (/ ) of new cases of leprosy and 7.78% (/8) of multiba- ciliary patients. 98年月~987年月,个月中在皮肤科门诊确诊例,占新发现病人的. %(/ 例),占其中多菌型的 7.78%(/8例)。

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