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First of all, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our firm, Reanda CPAs.

First of all, we have to make a good plan. 首先,我们要制定一个很好的计划。
First of all, we must deal with any disobedience on our part. 首先,我们必须对付我们这边一切的不顺从。
First of all, we must make us begin to release this energy with “inquiring and introspection skill ”introduced in chapter ten , then we just be absorbed in depth talks and discussion. 首先,我们必须运用第十章中所介绍的探询与反思技巧,让我们开始释出这个能量,然后我们才得以专注于深度会谈与讨论。
First of all, we must make us release this energy with “inquiring and introspection skill ”introduced in chapter ten , then we are just absorbed in deep talks and discussions. 首先,我们必须运用第十章中所介绍的探询与反思技巧,让我们开始释出这个能量,然后我们才得以专注于深度会谈与讨论。
First of all, we should refute the lawbreaking trader's concept that the business field is a battlefield and the competition is cutthroat. 首先,不法商贩认为:“商场如战场,竞争是残酷",这种观点须加驳斥。
First of all, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our firm, Reanda CPAs. 首先,我很高兴能有机会向您介绍利安达信隆会计师事务所(“利安达”)。
First of all, where are the sources? 首先,你会问熟知内幕的人在哪?
First of all, why doesn't divination work better then? 首先,那么为什么预言没有更准确呢?
First of all, you're probably wondering about the impostor's alpha channel. 首先,你可能对视点替用特效的阿尔法通道感到疑惑。
First of all, your code is a mess. 首先,你的代码很乱。
First of all,i don't like her at all,but now she is one of my best friends. 起初我并不喜欢她,现在她已经是我最好的朋友之一了。

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