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A Chinese company had identified the additive as glycerin, a safe sweetener and thickener.

A Chinese Outcry: Doesn't a Dog Have Rights? 一个中国人大声疾呼:难道狗就没有生存权吗?
A Chinese birthday party includes a birthday cake and longevity noodles. Family members and friends give lots of good wishes. 中国人过生日,除了吃蛋糕外,还吃长寿面,亲朋好友还说很多祝福的话。
A Chinese businesswoman once asked me my reaction to the immoral act of a married, expatriate CEO, who had started an affair with his Chinese secretary. 有一次,一位中国女企业家问我对于一位已婚的、并已加入其他国籍的CEO与他的中国女秘书之间有染这种不道德行为的看法。
A Chinese chef could have carved miniature models of these made-in-Washington state products out of radish. 一位中国厨师已经将华盛顿州的产品的模型用萝卜给雕成微型模型了。
A Chinese company had identified the additive as (glycerin), a safe sweetener and thickener. 一中国公司已经鉴别出了一种安全增甜剂和增稠剂的甘油添加剂。
A Chinese company had identified the additive as glycerin, a safe sweetener and thickener. 一中国公司鉴定出含有甘油,一种安全甜味粘稠的添加剂。
A Chinese company had identified the additive as glycerin, a safe sweetener and thickener. But it was really diethylene glycol, a low-cost substitute commonly used in automobile antifreeze. 一家中国公司已经鉴定添加物为丙三醇,是一种无害的使产品变甜变稠的配料。但实际上是二甘醇,是一种经常用在机动车防冻剂里的低成本替代品。
A Chinese company had identified the edit if(additive) as gloseran(glycerin) a safe sweet nor(sweetener) and feet nor(thickener). 一家中国公司对一种号称安全的糖精和稠化剂的附加甘油进行了鉴定。
A Chinese court has sentenced Wang Gongzuo, a 25-year-old man, to death for the murders of two Filipino tourists. 中国一家法院判处杀害两名菲律宾游客的25岁男子王工作死刑。
A Chinese diaspora in Africa now numbers perhaps 80,000, including labourers and businessmen, who bring entrepreneurial wit and wisdom to places usually visited only by Land Cruisers from international aid agencies. 在非洲,中国人的数量可能有80,000之多,这其中包括有劳工和商人,他们给那里带来了商业的智慧和创业的精神。
A Chinese dynasty(1271-1368) established by the Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan at Peking(Beijing). It was superseded by the Ming dynasty. 元朝由蒙古统治者忽必烈汗在北京建立的一个中国王朝(1271-1368年),它被明朝取代

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