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I was supposed to arrive at 7:00.

I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my marriage and the size of my bank balance. 有关方面就我的婚姻状况以及银行存款余额对我进行了详细的调查.
I was suddenly waked up, and knew it was not the time again for travel, we still have parents, brothers, sisters, and a lot of elderships. 猛然惊醒,再不是玩闹的时候了,我们还有父母、兄弟、姐妹、以及很多长辈。
I was suffering from 2 alternatives. 当时我面临两种抉择。
I was suffering from altitude sickness in Chahare. 此时,我是在擦热受著高原反应的折磨。
I was suffering of her voice. 她的声音令我头皮发麻。
I was supposed to arrive at 7:00. 我应该在7点钟到。
I was supposed to choose a practical profession, but this was simply unbearable to me. 我原本应该选择一种叫世纪的职业,但我就是无法忍受。
I was supposed to have dinner with my dad and my half sisters today... but I had to cancel cuz I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a stuffy nose. *sob* Didn't want to pass my germs along over dinner. 我今天本来要和爸爸还有妹妹吃饭,但是早上起来我就嗓子痛,鼻子也不通气,只好取消了,泪,我可不想吃饭的时候传染给他们。
I was supposed to meet her, but I spaced out and forgot. 我本应该和她见面的,但我昏昏沉沉地以致把事给忘了
I was supposed to shoot the monsters using a handheld controller, but I still felt a little unsteady. 原本我应该用手上的控制器射击这些怪物,但我还在摇来晃去呢。
I was sure I'd get at least a B--but there it was in black and white:a D. 我满以为我至少能得一个“B”,可是白纸上写的黑字是一个“D”。

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