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Almost every man on the TV program says that he gets a high salary.

Almost every home or business has potted plants, shrubs, and trees in the landscape, and sometimes fruit and vegetable gardens. 几乎每一个家庭和商务场所都种植盆栽的植物、灌木以及绿化的树木,有的甚至是水果和蔬菜的果园。
Almost every inch of the mural is filled with towers, pavilions, terraces, lakes and birds. 壁画几乎每英寸都画有塔、亭阁、露台、湖和鸟。
Almost every keyword sector has an authority hub on it's topic. Go submit within the guidelines. 差不多每个关键字目录都有他自己的主题,所以请按照他们的指导方针进行提交。
Almost every language in the world has dialects and American English is no exception. 世界上几乎每种语言都有方言,美国话也不例外。
Almost every major daily has turned against the Government,and the screaming headlines of colorful tabloids hang out from newsstands like the Government's dirty linen. 几乎每一家主要日报都跟政府做对,而且五颜六色的小报大声疾呼的标题在报摊上揭露政府的丑闻。
Almost every man on the TV program says that he gets a high salary. 几乎每一个上电视节目的男人都说他是高薪阶级.
Almost every morsel of our food is genetically modified - admittedly by artificial selection not artificial mutation, but the end result is the same. 我们吃的几乎每一口食物都是转基因的——通过人工选择而不是人工突变,但是最终结果是相似的。
Almost every one knows the Pearl Harbor Incident. 几乎没有谁不知道珍珠港事件的。
Almost every passage contains some reference to the fate awaiting men in the afterlife. 几乎每个段落都是提及人类死后等待的命运。
Almost every program for programming a PLC controller possesses various useful options such as: forced switching on and off of the system input/outputs (I/O lines), program follow up in real time as well as documenting a diagram. 几乎所有用于为PLC控制器编程的程序都拥有各种不同的选项,例如系统输入/输出(I/O线)的强制开关,程序实时跟踪以及图表验证。
Almost every significant breakthrough is the result of a courageous break with traditional ways of thinking. 几乎每一项重大突破都是一次勇敢挑战传统思维的结果。

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