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He screwed the others out of their share of the money.

He scraped the side of his car. 他刮坏了汽车一侧。
He scraped through the narrow opening. 他勉强钻过狭窄的开口处。
He scratched his name on the wall with a knife. 他用一把小刀把自己的名字刻在墙上。
He scratched up a football team from various sources. 他从各方面找人拼凑成一支足球队。
He screwed the letter up angrily. 他生气地把信揉成一团。
He screwed the others out of their share of the money. 他侵吞了其他人应得的钱。
He scrounged a cigarette from his roommate. 他向室友要了一支香烟。
He scrutinized me from head to toe. I don't know how you write,he said, but you already talk like a writer. 他把我从头到脚细细地打量了一番。“我不知道你写得怎样,”他说,“但是你说起话来已经像个作家了。”
He sealed the envelope with paste. 他用浆糊封好信封。
He searched frantically for a new card, but found none. 他抓狂的找新的保险卡,但是没有找到。
He searched, beginning with the oldest and ending with the youngest, and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack. 创44:12家宰就搜查、从年长的起、到年幼的为止、那杯竟在便雅悯的口袋里搜出来。

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