RESULTS: Among all cases treated surgically, 4 cases were pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland; 3 cases were malignant tumor of the parotid gland; 1 case was zygomatic osteoma; 4 cases were carotid body tumor; 1 case was branchial cleft cysts; 3 cases
结果:26例误诊病例,术前诊断腮腺螱形性腺瘤4例,腮腺恶性肿瘤3例,颧骨骨瘤1例,颈动脉体瘤4例,鳃裂囊肿1例,恶性肿瘤颈淋巴结转移3例,咽部恶性肿瘤2例,舌部纤维瘤4例,口底皮样囊肿2例,舌下腺恶性肿瘤2例术后病理均证案为神经鞘瘤。 |
RESULTS: Cardiac and oxygen parameter index responses to acute normovolaemic haemodilution were comparable.
结果:急性等容性血液稀释后,心脏参数及氧参数指标结果近似。 |
RESULTS: Contents of bacterial endotoxin in the root canals sealed with calcium hydroxide decreased significantly after 2 weeks (P<0.01).
结果:根管内封氢氧化钙2周后,内毒素含量明显降低(P<0.01)。 |
RESULTS: During the study period, 78 (13.1%) mothers with stillbirths died, compared with 1,518 (6.2%) women without stillbirth (crude hazard ratio 2.08, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.65–2.61).
结果:在研究期间,78位(13.1%)有死产史的母亲死亡,同时此期间无死产史的妇女有1518人(6.2%)死亡(初步危险比为2.08,95%可信区间[CI]为1.65–2.61)。 |
RESULTS: In IVIG-treated patients, a clinically meaningful improvement in QMG Score for Disease Severity was observed at day 14 and persisted at day 28.
结果:使用IVIG的患者,重症肌无力疾病严重程度评分在14天出现有意义的改善,并持续改善至28天。 |
RESULTS: In our series, most angiomyolipomas were diagnosed incidentally (64.1%), and the most-common symptom was ipsilateral flank pain (20.5%), followed by abdominal pain (12.8%) and hematuria (10.3%).
三十九位病人中十四位术前图象诊断爲肾细胞癌,一位爲肾旁恶性脂肪瘤,剩余二十四位肾血管肌脂肪瘤。 |
RESULTS: In the 35 normal subjects with normal resonance, the cross-sectional area over the anterior end of the inferior turbinate was not increased in four subjects after spray application, and another one was assessed as hypernasal by a speech pathologi
结果:35名鼻腔共鸣正常的正常轻人在喷灑3%麻黄素溶液后,4名受测者之下鼻甲前端截面积并未增加而另1名受测者鼻音被语言治疗师检查认为过重,这5名受测者被排除在本研究之外。 |
RESULTS: Marked cardiovascular changes occurred in the bolus group; the heart rate increased by 17 (10.7) beats min(-1) [mean (SD)] compared with 10 (9.7) beats min(-1) in the infusion group.
方法:我们选取30名行择期剖宫产的妇女,随机予以快速推注(快速静推组)或超过5分钟输注(缓慢输注组)5u催产素。 |
RESULTS: More than five published oral oncology literatures were found out in 40 kinds of foreign journals with impact factor above 1.000.
结果:共有40种影响因子在1.000以上外文期刊发表了5篇以上口腔肿瘤学论文。 |
RESULTS: Of 170 patients, 2 (1.17%) developed infectious complications: 1 case of meningitis by Staphylococcus epidermidis and 1 case of sphenoid sinusitis (without microbiological diagnosis).
结果∶170位患者中,2例(1.17%)发生感染性并发症∶1例表皮葡萄球菌性脑膜炎,1例蝶窦炎(没有病源微生物学诊断)。 |
RESULTS: The FTIR spectrums of the different extracted parts of chrysanthemum had their obvious IR characters.
结果:不同提取部位(挥发油部位、乙酸乙酯部位、水部位)药用菊花红外谱图的特征明显。 |