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Quite a number of world famous paintings are on show in this exhibition.

Quite a lot as it happens, including some items that aren't technically viruses. 业界广泛认同:侦测的目标应该包括那些非真正意义上的病毒。
Quite a lot of us derive our patchy understanding of globalisation from such well-publicised high jinks. 我们中有很多人对全球化的理解都比较零碎,而且这种理解都来自于这种大肆宣扬且喧闹的活动之中。
Quite a lot of young people like bread, too. 相当一部分年轻人也很喜欢吃面包。
Quite a number of American millionaires own at least two houses and a private plan. 美国的不少百万富翁都至少拥有两座房子和一架私人飞机。
Quite a number of people have been fooled by the honeyed words, failing to see that they hid a dagger behind their smiles. 世界上有多少人被他们的甜言蜜语所蒙蔽,而不知道他们笑里藏刀的厉害。
Quite a number of world famous paintings are on show in this exhibition. 有许多的世界名画在本次展览会上展出。
Quite a number of young people maintain that money is a passport to happiness. 相当一部分年轻人坚持认为金钱是获得幸福的保证。
Quite apart from the logistic problems, there existed a well-established tradition in Britain which refused to repatriate against their will people who found themselves in British hands and the nature of whose reception by their own government was, to say 除了逻辑推理问题之外,在英国存在一种悠久的拒绝遣送违反他们意志的人们的传统,这些人们发现他们处于英国政府的掌握,而这种政府接受的本质却不确定的。
Quite coincidentally, metamorphic viruses apply transformations that go the other way around. 十分巧合,变形病毒使用的变换有异曲同工之妙。
Quite different is her approach in the case of her sculptures: she produces feminine nudes in Bronze, elongated and languorous bodies that exude a strong sensuality. 她还有非常不同于画作的艺术品,就是雕像。这是用青铜制成的,呈现出女性裸体一种瘦长及慵懒的体态,来呈现出一种强烈的柔和美。
Quite early in life the pirate showed the cloven foot when he used to rob children of their toys. 这个海盗在年少时就露出劣根性,常常抢夺孩子们的玩具。

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