Press SET button to enter setting hours or minute state, press MODE button to setting times.
按SET按钮进入设置小时或者分钟状态,按MODE按钮设定时间。 |
Press Triangle to hide the browser's toolbars.
隐藏浏览器的工具条. |
Press `Shift' and type `A'.
按`换字键'然後打字母`A'. |
Press agentry is creating newsworthy stories and events to attract media attention and to gain public notice.
新闻代理是创造有新闻价值的故事和事件,以吸引媒体的注意并获得公众的关注。 |
Press ahead with the Reform. of Housing.
积极推进住房体制改革。 |
Press and hold # key when idle to lock the keypad.
在空闲状态下,一直按住#键锁定键盘。 |
Press and hold the button again until the Headset beepsand is turn off. The Headset has now been reset.
再次按下并保持住此按钮直到蓝芽耳机发出蜂鸣声,蓝芽耳机则被关闭。现在已经将蓝芽耳机复原。 |
Press and hold the red button in to disengage the 24 hour gear.
压和在解开24小时齿轮方面握红的钮。 |
Press and release the Power Button to start the computer.
新闻和释放电源按钮启动计算机. |
Press any key and then re-type the first character.
敲任意键,然后重新输入第一个字符。 |
Press any key for the main menu.
为主要的画面按任何的键。 |