The challenge of winning an elimination game in San Antonio is more than any other team in the league has been able to accomplish this year, and the Jazz likewise buckled under the pressure.
在圣城赢球比在其他任何球馆赢球都更有意义,而爵士对圣城发起的冲击也就此结束了,而且毫不例外地在压力之下崩了盘。 |
The challenge, then, is to learn to be firm and assertive without going a step too far and becoming aggressive.
这里,人们所面临的考验是如何做到坚定、果断,而不越雷池一步,变得好斗。 |
The challenger has been training hard for the big fight.
这位健将为参加拳击大赛夺魁而进行坚苦的锻炼。 |
The challenger seemed to be outclassed, although he was the first to let blood.
虽然挑战者道德使对方受伤,但他似乎很容易被击败。 |
The challenger was so outclassed that he couldn't get a single blow in.
挑战者的技术太差了,连一拳也没有击中对方。 |
The challenger was so outclassed that he couldn't get a single blow in.
拳王站在打击得到的距离内,给挑战者一记重击。 |
The challenges are formidable, but these steps offer the best chance for the survival of these wonderful animals that have struck awe in the hearts of our own species for thousands of years.
这些艰钜挑战需要我们一一克服,但唯有如此,这些数千年来人类既敬且爱的美丽身影,才能继续繁衍下去。 |
The challenges of accommodating a wide-awake China will be huge. But they can - and must - be risen to.
包容一个全面醒来的中国将面临许多重大挑战,但世界能够也必须接受这样的挑战。 |
The challenges of globalization and open economy, has create an acute need for Organization to overcome the reducing “half-life of knowledge” issue to stay competitive.
全球一体化和不断开放的经济环境向所有的企业发出了挑战,现在每个企业都迫切需要克服因为知识折旧加速(知识半衰期变短)而造成的竞争力的衰减。 |
The challenges of resources efficiency and climate change feature highly on GTZ's agenda.
资源效率和气候保护方面的合作正日趋加强。 |
The chamber is able to simulate climates anywhere in the world, from Everest to Egypt.
同时会所可以精确的模拟世界各地不同的气候,不管是最高的珠穆朗玛峰还是炎热的埃及。 |