Article 43 With respect to those who obtained technical titles and technical posts in medicine according to relevant state provisions before the date of promulgation of this Law, the institutions to which they belong shall report the case to the administr
第四十三条本法颁布之日前按照国家有关规定取得医学专业技术职称和医学专业技术职务的人员,由所在机构报请县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门认定,取得相应的医师资格。 |
Article 43. The patentee shall pay an annual fee beginning with the year in which the patent right was granted.
第四十三条专利权人应当自被授予专利权的当年开始缴纳年费。 |
Article 43.The models for individual income tax returns, individual income tax withholding returns and individual income tax payment receipts shall be formulated by the State Administration of Taxation in a unified manner.
第四十三条个人所得税纳税申报表、扣缴个人所得税报告表和个人所得税完税凭证式样,由国家税务总局统一制定。 |
Article 43: The bankruptcy expenses and debts of common interest shall be discharged from the property of the debtor as they arise.
第四十三条?破产费用和共益债务由债务人财产随时清偿。 |
Article 44 A business operator that causes damage to the property of a consumer in providing a commodity or a service must assume civil liability by means of repair, redoing, replacement, return of goods, making up the quantity of a commodity, refund of p
第四十四条经营者提供商品或者服务,造成消费者财产损害的,应当按照消费者的要求,以修理、重作、更换、退货、补足商品数量、退还货款和服务费用或者赔偿损失等方式承担民事责任。 |
Article 44 A distinguishing mark of hazardous waste must be put on the containers and packages of hazardous waste as well as on the installations and sites for collection, storage, transportation and treatment of hazardous waste.
第四十四条对危险废物的容器和包装物以及收集、贮存、运输、处置危险废物的设施、场所,必须设置危险废物识别标志。 |
Article 44 A television station which broadcasts a cinematographic, television or video-graphic work produced by others shall obtain permission from, and pay remuneration to, the producer of the cinematographic, television or video-graphic work.
第四十四条电视台播放他人的电影、电视和录像,应当取得电影、电视制片者和录像制作者的许可,并支付报酬。 |
Article 44 After accepting a bill of exchange, the drawee shall bear the liability for paying the bill at its maturity.
第四十四条付款人承兑汇票后,应当承担到期付款的责任。 |
Article 44 After retirement public procurators shall enjoy the insurance of old age pension and other benefits as prescribed by the State.
第四十四条检察官退休后,享受国家规定的养老保险金和其他待遇。 |
Article 44 Aliens who found employment without permission from the Ministry of Labor of the People's Republic of China or its authorized departments shall have their posts or employment terminated and may at the same time be fined up to 1,000 yuan (RMB),
第四十四条对未经中华人民共和国劳动部或者其授权的部门批准私自谋职的外国人,在终止其任职或者就业的同时,可以处10元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处限期出境。 |
Article 44 All units or individuals are forbidden to levy a surcharge on the electricity charges, however, for cases with other provisions in laws and administrative regulations, those provisions shall be observed.
第四十四条禁止任何单位和个人在电费中加收其他费用;但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的,按照规定执行。 |