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Raise funds for for helping Yan Lam Schoolto be a better quality School with Love .

Raise a song, strike the timbrel, The sweet sounding lyre with the harp. 诗81:2唱起诗歌、打手鼓、弹美琴与瑟。
Raise and the ability of[with] person's cooperation, with the ability of[with] stranger exchanges, especially for ill-matched driver, need biggest of obtain an inquisition information patiently. 提高了与人协作的能力,与陌生人交流的能力,特别是对于不配合的司机,需要极大的耐心获取调查信息。
Raise any subjects you want by emailing from now and phoning from 7pm to talk live on the show Roman Abramovich watches. 提出任何你想说的话题,现在开始通过电邮或者在晚上7点的热线节目中打电话过来。阿布将会观看这个节目。
Raise awareness of the uses of certified structural bamboo for building code approved structures. 提高合格竹材料用于房屋建筑的使用意识。
Raise for student special place carry on English spoken language talk exercise weekly a Tuesday, teacher's classmates try one's best to talk in English during that time. 每周的周二为学生提高专门的场地进行英语口语对话练习,其间老师同学尽量用英语对话。
Raise funds for for helping Yan Lam Schoolto be a better quality School with Love . 筹款资助「恩霖学校」成为一间完善、有素质有爱的学校。
Raise seedling and build vineyard locally, reduce transportation time between seedling garden and vineyard, thus ensuring the quality of the seedling and enhance the survival rate of forestation. 就地育苗,就地造林,减少起苗到造林地的运输时间,保证了苗木质量,提高了造林成活率。
Raise side rails and lower bed. 放置围栏,降低床铺高度。
Raise the forefinger of your right hand, say :) I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger. 提起右手食指,念:)我作证,无一是主,唯有安拉,又作证,穆罕默德是主忠仆,是主差使。
Raise the production efficiency, economize the production cost. 提高生产效率,节约生产成本。
Raise the proportion of renewable energy in primary energy supply up to 10 percent from 7 percent. 在能源供应中将可更新利用的能源比例由7%提高到10%。

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