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British essayist noted for his trenchant literary criticism. His works include The Characters of Shakespeare's Plays(1817).

British colonists initially attempted to force the Indians into life servants of the white, but ultimately quit this scheme, as the Indians demonstrated ferocious antagonism against it, and their half herding way of life proved a handicap to normal farmin 英国殖民者曾经企图强迫土著印第安人为奴,终身为白人服役,但由于印地安人的强烈反抗意识以及他们半农半牧的生活方式不适应白人的农业耕种要求,此计划终遭失败。
British couple who hold the world record for the longest marriage said on Wednesday their success was down to a glass of whisky, a glass of sherry and the word sorry. 因保持最长婚姻史而获得吉尼斯世界纪录称号的一对英国夫妇日前表示,他们婚姻幸福的制胜法宝就是每天一杯威士忌、一杯葡萄酒和常说“对不起”。
British delegates to the next international anti-corruption junket, meanwhile, can expect a tougher reception than at the last one. 同时,英国参加下次国际反腐败宴会的代表预计也会得到比上次更为无礼的接待。
British economist who wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population(1798), arguing that population tends to increase faster than food supply, with inevitably disastrous results, unless the increase in population is checked by moral restraints or by war, f 马尔萨斯,托马斯·罗伯特1766-1834英国经济学家,著有人口论(1798年),认为人口的增长比食物供应的增长要快,除非对人口的增长采用道德的约束或战争、饥荒和瘟疫加以抑制,否则会导致不可避免的灾难后果
British engineers had sound training as craftsmen. 英国工程师为训练有素的手工艺人。
British essayist noted for his trenchant literary criticism. His works include The Characters of Shakespeare's Plays(1817). 哈兹利特,威廉1778-1830因犀利的文学批评而闻名的英国散文家,他的作品包括莎士比亚戏剧中的人物(1817年)
British explorer who sailed to New South Wales(1795) and subsequently made a thorough study of the Australian coast. 弗林德斯,马修1774-1814英国探险家,曾航行到新南威尔士州(1795年),随后对澳大利亚的海岸作了详尽的研究
British financier and public official who concluded the treaty between Great Britain and the United States that defined the border between Canada and Maine(1842). 巴林,亚历山大1774-1848英国金融家和国家官员,参加了英国同美国的谈判并签订了确定加拿大与缅因边界的条约(1842年)
British food is notorious for its simplicity. 英国的食物以其简单而臭名远扬。
British forces attacked it two times, but were defeated by the people of Charleston .The third time, the British captured the city and held it for more than a year. 英国人曾两次武力进攻该城,但都被查尔斯顿人民打败了。第三次英国人占领了城市并统治了一年多。
British forces attacked it two times, but were defeated by the people of Charleston. The third time, the British captured the city and held it for more than a year. 英国军队两次袭击查尔斯顿,但是都被他们打回去了。第三次英国占领了城市并统治它长达一年之久。

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