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Now I'm leaving, where's my keys?

Now I'm glad to say you've passed the physical examination, that is to say you'll be a glorious soldier. 现在,我高兴地宣布,你通过了体检,也就是说,你将成为一名光荣的战士。
Now I'm going to call the roll. 我现在开始点名。
Now I'm going to rest and revel to my heart's content. 现在我要休息,并狂欢到我心满意足。
Now I'm going to share some of my favorites with you in this blog. 如果故事很有趣那么就会让学习变得更容易。
Now I'm in the fortunate position of understanding and appreciating two different cultures. 现在我很幸运能理解和欣尝两种不同(中英)的文化。
Now I'm leaving, where's my keys? 现在我要走了,我的车钥匙呢?
Now I'm putting film in my camera. 现在我把胶卷放到我的照相机里。
Now I'm rich, I shall cast away all my old clothes. 现在我富有了,我要丢弃我所有旧衣服。
Now I'm very upset/sad, because I did something unfaithful and disloyal. 我现在很不开心,因为我做了一件不忠不义的事。
Now I'm working in the sales department of this company. 我现在在这家公司的销售部工作.
Now I'm writing a book about a homeless man. 现在我在写一本关于一个无家可归的人的书。

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