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Two-thirds of mortgage borrowers enjoy good credit and a fixed interest rate and can depend on the value of their houses remaining far higher than their borrowings.

Two-stage servo control motor and servo leaping function enable the machine with processing deep holes, blind holes, lateral and large area electrical machining. 快速二段式伺服马达控制及伺服跳动功能,具深孔、盲孔、侧面及大面积电极加工之特性。
Two-step technological design decreases the false positive caused by HOOK effect and improves the detection sensitivity at the same time. 两步法工艺设计,在提高检测灵敏度的同时,减小了HOOK效应引起的假阴性。
Two-thirds of South Korea's 15 million households boast broadband connections, compared with about 15% of U.S. homes. 韩国1500万家庭中的2/3都享受到了宽带连接,而美国家庭却只占15%。
Two-thirds of Tata Sons is owned by charitable trusts that are part of the Tata Group. 三分之二的塔塔桑股权由集团的公益信托掌管。
Two-thirds of card transactions are now made using debit cards. 现在,借记卡占银行卡交易的2/3。
Two-thirds of mortgage borrowers enjoy good credit and a fixed interest rate and can depend on the value of their houses remaining far higher than their borrowings. 三分之二的抵押贷款的借款人有良好的信用记录和固定的利率,他们拥有的房产价值远高于他们的借款。
Two-thirds of the area are covered with immense forests. 该地区面积的三分之二为广阔的森林所覆盖。
Two-thirds of the women surveyed had never even been on spring break. 三分之二受调女性甚至从来没有过春假。
Two-thirds of the world's 800 million illiterate adults are women as girls are not seen as worth the investment, or are busy collecting water or firewood or doing other domestic chores. 全球8亿成年文盲中有三分之二是妇女,女孩们要么被视为不值得投资,要么就是忙于采水、捡柴或是其它家务活。
Two-thirds of those surveyed support setting a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops. 被调查者中有2/3的人支持为撤军设立时间表。
Two-thirds said they relied on their phone or electronic organizer to remember key dates. 三分之二的受访者称,他们主要靠手机或电子记事本来帮助自己记一些重要的日子。

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