Equally, however, the GDP revisions imply that there is less momentum behind the growth in demand.
但同时,GDP增长率的向下修正也意味着需求增长的动力在减弱。 |
Equally, some employees are great, some managers visionary, some jobs wonderful.
同样,有些员工很棒,有些经理有远见卓识,有些工作非常棒。 |
Equally, there are few organizations that have such a revolutionary product or unassailable monopoly or privileged role in society that car afford not to bother about making friends and influencing people.
同样,这样的组织很少,他们有变革的产品,或不容置疑的垄断或在社会上有着特权作用不必费心去广交朋友和影响人们。 |
Equally, we all have a shared interest in ensuring that the region's economic development is sustained, and able to evolve to take full advantage of the linkages of the modem global economy.
同样地,我们大家都有共同的利益来确保该地区经济的持续发展并逐渐获得充分利用全球化带来的区域协作的能力。 |
Equating an end-date for the Mayan calendar round with a date in the European-based Gregorian system has been a heartbreaker for astronomers.
为了使玛雅历法的一个完结日与围绕着的以欧洲为基础的格里高利体系等同,已经让天文学家们伤透了脑筋。 |
Equatorial Guinea held its first legislative elections in August 1983, the sole one in more than 19 years.
1983年8月赤几举行19年来的第一次议会选举。 |
Equatorial plate An arrangement of the chromosomes in which the centromeres become aligned in a single plane at the center of the spindle during metaphase of mitosis and meiosis.
赤道板:在细胞有丝分裂和减数分裂的中期,横隔在细胞中央的一个平面,位于纺锤体的中心。染色体的着丝粒沿这个平面排列。 |
Equestrian events were included in the Olympic Games for the first time in 1900 and then in 1912, in a format very similar to that which is used at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.
马术在1900年的奥运会上首次亮相,接着出现在1912年的奥运会上,采用与2004年雅典奥运会极其相似的规则和形式。 |
Equestrian events were included in the Olympic Games for the first time in 1900 and then in 1912, in a format very similar to that which will be used at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.
马术在1900的奥运会上首次亮相,接着出现在1912年的奥运会上,采用与即将举行的2004雅典奥运会极其相似的规则和形式。 |
Equestrianism, fencing, swimming, shooting and cross-country race.
马术,击剑,游泳,射击和越野跑。 |
Equidistant interpolation can give rise to convergence difficulties when the number of interpolation points becomes large. This difficulty is often referred to as Runge's phenomenon.
等距点插值会带来收敛困难当插值点数量增加。这一困难被称为龙格现象。 |