The Pentagon announces that at least 3000 American soldiers have died in the war in Iraq.
五角大楼发言人表示至少有三千美军在伊拉克战争中牺牲。 |
The Pentagon has abandoned its time limit for citizen-soldier serving on active military duty.
美国国防部取消了公民服役的时间限制。 |
The Pentagon has said it will release an edited transcript of each hearing some days after it is held.
他们是被指控参与9.11袭击的也门人拉姆齐本阿尔萨巴赫和被指控是基地组织高级成员的利比亚人阿布法拉杰法尔贾阿勒。 |
The Pentagon is another name for the Department of Defense.
五角大楼是国防部的代名词。 |
The Pentagon is probably better able to protect itself against cyberattacks than most.
相比其它国家,五角大楼或许能够更好地保护自己免受网络袭击。 |
The Pentagon is releasing its manual for handling upcoming trials of terror suspects. It would allow suspects to be convicted and perhaps executed using hearsay evidence and some coerced testimony.
五角大楼发行了关于如何处理即将来临的恐怖嫌疑犯审判的手册.该手册会允许对嫌疑犯定罪,也许可以根据谣传的证据和强行逼供的口供处死嫌疑犯. |
The Pentagon is releasing its manual for handling upcoming trials the terror suspects. It would allowed suspects to be convicted and perhaps executed using hearsay evidence and some coerced testimony.
五角大楼将要出台用于接下来审判嫌疑恐怖分子的手册。该手册通过传闻的证据和一些已经通过强制性而取得的供词,使嫌疑犯证明有罪甚至可能被执行行刑。 |
The Pentagon is watching China's aircraft-carrier ambitions with bemused interest.
五角大楼心情复杂地留意着中国生产航空母舰的野心。 |
The Pentagon says it needs a new infusion of funds within weeks to continue the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan.
五角大楼表示需要在近几周内补充资金以维持在伊拉克与阿富汗的战斗行动。 |
The Pentagon says it neend a new infusion of funds within weeks to continue the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan.
五角大楼称为了继续巩固在伊朗克和阿富汗的成果,他们在未来几周需要新的资金注入. |
The Pentagon says only an “unclassified” e-mail system was breached, and has not identified the suspects.
五角大楼表示只有一个“非机密”的电子邮件系统受到破坏,并且没有透露涉嫌者的身份。 |