In Colombia, it is conceivable only in the climate of greater security that Mr Uribe has created.
在哥伦比亚,只有在乌里韦已经创造出更大程度的安全环境之下才可以想象。 |
In Colorado on Tuesday, a bodyguard escorts Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant into the Eagle County Justice Center through the back emergency exit.
本周二在科罗拉多州,一个保镖正陪同洛杉矶湖人队的后卫科比·布莱恩特通过紧急出口的后门走进鹰县司法中心。 |
In Command &Conquer Generals the person constantly on the move is usually the victor.
在《命令与征服之将军》中,经常保持运动的玩家通常就是胜利者。 |
In Concord it is, in summer, from four to fifteen feet deep, and from one hundred to three hundred feet wide, but in the spring freshets, when it overflows its banks, it is in some places nearly a mile wide.
在康科德一段,夏天时,它有四至十五英尺深,一百至三百英尺宽,但在春天河水泛滥之时,它的两岸被水淹没,有些地方宽度能够达到一英里。 |
In Confucian Bioethics, Professor Lee, Shui Chuen proposes four fundamental rules of morality as the middle principle between traditional Confucianism and modern ethics, making the mind that“can't bear to see the sufferings of othersas the ultimate princi
摘要李瑞全教授在《儒家生命伦理学》中提出四个基本道德原则,作为解决传统儒学与现代伦理间的中层原则,并以不忍人之心做为儒家伦理学的终极原则。 |
In Confucianism-dominated Asian countries, the modern political development is always disturbed by both trends of populism and people-orientism.
摘要在深受儒家文化影响的东亚主要国家,现代民主政治的发展往往受到来自民本传统和民粹倾向的双重干扰。 |
In Congress, Johnson was a strong advocate of America's westward expansion.
在国会里,强森大力支持美国向西部扩张的计画。 |
In Continental Law, the accessory offender is similar to accomplice; in Anglo-American Law, the accomplice includes the accessory offender; But in the our country, the accessory offender and should be a kind of to cross the relation with accomplice.
在大陆法系国家中,帮助犯和从犯是等同关系;在英美法系,从犯和帮助犯是包容关系;而在我国,帮助犯和从犯应该是一种交叉关系。 |
In Costa Rica, for example, students used a FabLab to develop new educational technologies.
比如说,在哥斯达黎加,学生们利用私人实验室来开发新的教学技术。 |
In Croatia, forces of the Yugoslav People's Army bombard Dubrovnik after laying siege there since May.
1991年,在克罗地亚,自从5月包围杜勃罗文克以来,南斯拉夫人民军的武装对其实施了炮轰。 |
In DAB mode, the backlight is blue, changing to green in FM mode.
在DAB模式下为蓝色背景,在FM模式下为绿色背景。 |