DIBS - Since disk drives are cheap, backup should be cheap too.
由于磁盘驱动器是廉价的,备份也同样是廉价的。 |
DIC are being given access to Liverpool`s accounts despite other people having tabled bids for the club by (among others) US businessman George Gillett Jr - formerly owner of the Harlem Globetrotters - and the Belfast-based construction tycoon John Miskel
尽管有其他人对利物浦报价,DIC则通过美国商人乔治吉雷特和贝尔法斯特的交通大亨米斯凯里接触到了利物浦的账目。 |
DICK: It's a beautiful day today.
迪克:今天天气真好。 |
DICK: They say it's going to be wet and windy.
迪克:据说是要刮风下雨。 |
DIETRICK VON FRANK: I'm not sure that people were aware that there were fine art objects, paintings, scupltures, etcetera in the World Trade Center.
我并不确定人们是否意识到在世贸中心成放了精美的艺术品、绘画、雕塑和其他的装饰品。 |
不同的位置、楼层差别都大! |
DIGITAL:Relating to separate and discrete information.
数字:与单个的信息有关。 |
DIKELUN in new development to the quality of access to the international market, and is willing to work together with people from all walks of life distribution unit, mutual benefit, common development and to build a better future!
迪科纶以新品求发展、以品质进军国际市场,愿与各界人士经销单位精诚合作、互惠互利、共同发展,共创美好未来!。 |
DIN Standards promote rationalization, quality assurance, safety, and environmental protection as well as improving communication between industry, technology, science, government and the public domain.
DIN标准不仅促进经济合理化、质量保证、安全和保护环境意识而且改进人们在工业、技术、科学、政府和公共领域中的沟通。 |
DING Ming, LI Sheng-hu. Method for speeding up convergence of Monte Carlo simulation in reliability calculation [J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2000, 24(12):1620.
丁明,李生虎.可靠性计算中加快蒙特卡洛仿真收敛速断的方法[J].电力系统自动化,2000,24(12):1620. |
DIPPOLDISWALDER MALER GMBH offers you more Offers on Colour design, Painter enterprise.
提供压印章、彩色设计和压花、滚花产品,此外,电子部件的产品供应已就绪。 |