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It is believed that three northeast-striking dextral slip fault zones, i.e. the Baxian-Shulu-Handan fault zone, the Huanghua-Dezhou-Dongming fault zone, and the Linyi-Huanghekou fault zone, are the result of the tectonic transform of Paleogene extending t

It is believed that there is life in outer space. 人们相信地球外的空间还存在着生命。
It is believed that these Elves are now being held in a small prison camp near the northwest region of Tarren Mill. 可以确定的是这些精灵现正被囚禁在位于塔伦米尔西南边一个小型监狱营地。
It is believed that they will come to our help shortly. 相信他们很快会来帮助我们的。
It is believed that this system approach should be taken and it is able to take advantage of the evolutional and analytical approaches and successes both have achieved in the past, and hoped that a useful theoretical concept would be provided in this way, 确信用系统论指导认识岩溶圈,不仅可以提供一个有效的认识框架,还能够整合岩溶学历史上演化论和解析论研究的全部成就,更好地服务生产,并使岩溶学走向成熟。
It is believed that this virtue will take on a new form and acquire new implications over time, thus standing for a historical category of civilization, performing proper functions of social integrations and orientations, and serving as an inexhaustible m 代表着先进助困文化的助困文明作为一种历史范畴,发挥着社会整合与社会导向的功能,为人类文明的传承和时代精神的倡扬提供着不竭的动力。
It is believed that three northeast-striking dextral slip fault zones, i.e. the Baxian-Shulu-Handan fault zone, the Huanghua-Dezhou-Dongming fault zone, and the Linyi-Huanghekou fault zone, are the result of the tectonic transform of Paleogene extending t 认为坝县-束鹿-邯郸断裂带、唐山-河间-磁县断裂带和黄骅-德州-东明断裂带3条北东向右旋走滑断裂带为华北平原裂谷系从早第三纪伸展拉张作用进入晚第三纪-第四纪走滑剪切拉张作用的产物,这3条断裂带分别位于3个北东向坳陷带中部,并构成了第四纪沉降中心,与营口-潍坊断裂带-起构成华北平原内的主要强震构造。
It is believed that… 人们相信……
It is believed the Warlocks are able to create a Mana Vortex capable of doubling their mana capacity. 据信妖术师能制造使他们法力翻倍的魔力旋涡。
It is believed the two clubs reached an agreement over a £5.4m price-tag and a four-year contract for Cicinho worth £1.5m per season plus bonuses. 双方俱乐部有可能就540万英镑的转会费达成了协议,而西西尼奥则拥有一份为期4年、每赛季150万英镑薪水的合同,同时还有额外的津贴。
It is believed they were left by the previous owner, described as a wheeler-dealer. 他们认为这些假脚是以前那位被称为精明能干的住客遗留下来的。
It is believed this paper is a useful attempt for the value it possesses in the decision making process of partiality batt1 command. 该方法是种有益的尝试与探索,对局部作战指挥决策有一定的参考价值。

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