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CFX utilizes a user-specified fire and is expressed in terms of a series of time rates of energy. In CFX the fire is defined as a volumetric heat source.

CFOL:How do you evaluate your business in China? Do Alcatel have any further plan to expand China market? 编辑:您是如何评估你们在中国的销售业绩的?阿尔卡特对发展中国市场是否有更长远的计划?
CFOL:How do you think of the competing advantage for Alcatel Optronics? 编辑:您觉得阿尔卡特光电子的竞争优势在哪里?
CFOL:How you view the fibre business? Is it at the bottom now? 编辑:以您的经验您如何看待现在的光通信行业?现在可否说处在最低谷?
CFOL:Recently there are quite a few sayings about Alcatel giving up component business. Will Alcatel Optronics be sold out? 编辑:最近有很多有关阿尔卡特会放弃光器件领域的消息。阿尔卡特光电子是否将会被出售呢?
CFSW provide employees with competitive salary and pay endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, injury insurance, birth insurance and housing fund. CFSW为员工提供有竞争力的薪水,同时按照国家规定缴纳养老保险,失业保险,基本医疗保险,工伤保险,生育保险和住房公积金。
CFX utilizes a user-specified fire and is expressed in terms of a series of time rates of energy. In CFX the fire is defined as a volumetric heat source. CFX把火源设置成体积热源,但是有文章说火灾模拟中要设置释热速率和烟生成率,在子域里好像不能设置和时间有关的源项,烟的扩散也在源项中设置吗?
CFile::modeCreate Directs the constructor to create a new file. If the file exists already, it is truncated to 0 length. 用创建的方式打开文件。如果文件已经存在,则清空原文件。
CG Sports Arena - Athletics, images of ancient Roman sports and coliseums, electronic scores and torches will give your sports videos the winning edge. 运动与竞技相关的视频素材。古罗马运动相关的图像以及大体育场,电子记分及火炬等,这些将为你制作运动相关的视频带来更多的优势。
CG, as a human work, still has some localization. 作为人制造出来的计算机化的画面,它仍有其局限性。
CGD, through BCA, will provide a medium-term credit line to finance the acquisition and assembly of solar panels under more attractive conditions that currently offered by consumer credit. 葡储蓄总行通过大西洋商业银行提供中期信用额度,以更有吸引力的条件收购、组装太阳能板。目前资金由个人信贷提供。
CGGC established three Top One in China in 1987 during the construction of Gezhouba HPP, i.e. annual installed sets, capacity and progress of the turbo-generator units. 1987年,葛洲坝集团在葛洲坝工程建设中创造了当时年装机台数、容量和进度三个全国第一。

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