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The group also said Chinese authorities have largely managed to neutralize software designed to circumvent censorship since late May.

The group also aims to provide the Mine Safety and Health Administration with industry consensus documents to aid in promulgating regulations under Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and to participate in the development of international standar 该工作组还计划向矿业安全和健康行政部提供业界一致文件,根据联邦规章法典第30章,帮助发布规章制度,以及帮助其参与此类采矿设备国际标准的制定。
The group also expresses concern about what it considers South Korea's increasingly unwelcome and dismissive attitude towards the refugees. There are some 10 thousand North Koreans in the South. 这个组织认为,韩国对北韩难民越来越不欢迎,对他们不屑一顾,该组织对此表示关注。目前在韩国有大约一万名北韩人。
The group also found stress increased significantly with age - rising from 19% in the 15-24 age bracket to 23% for those aged 45 and above. 调查小组同时还发现,压力随着年龄的增长而显著增加。在15到24岁的员工中,只有19%的员工感到工作压力大,而45岁和45岁以上的员工中则有23%的人有这样的感觉。
The group also had visas to Sweden, and a genuine invitation from a Swedish law office. 该团同时拥有瑞典的签证以及由瑞典法律部门签发的邀请信。
The group also makes the investment and sets up two infrastructure management companies while develops six real estate project with considerable scale in succession; in Hi-Tech industry, it makes the investment and introduces selling and producing the mos 集团在连续开发六个颇具规模的房地产项目过程中还投资组建了两个物业管理公司;在高科技产业方面,投资从芬兰引进销售和生产最先进的环保燃气锅炉,组建了北京芬雷拉科技有限公司。
The group also said Chinese authorities have largely managed to neutralize software designed to circumvent censorship since late May. 记者无国界组织说,自5月下旬以来,中国当局在很大程度上成功地设法使得可以绕过审查的软件失效。
The group also studied particle pollution levels emitted from these sources, which are made up of a mix of tiny solid and liquid particles in the air. 这个组织同样对从这些源头释放出的颗粒污染水平进行了研究。它们由极小的固体和液体颗粒组成。
The group are having dinner now. 组员们正在吃晚饭。
The group are unanimous in their opinions. 那一群人在他们的意见方面全体一致。
The group arrived in Finland on Monday this week. 该团于本周一(据推测应该是2006年11月20日)抵达芬兰。
The group became trapped in a shallow cove of Long Island south last week. 上个礼拜,这些海豚在南边长海岛的浅滩被困住了。

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