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Take a page out of sexy, cool and very fashionable Sienna Miller's book and look fabulous about town in a mini, dark opaque stockings and flat shoes.

Take a moment to restore balance in your life with us: put your feet up, laugh a little, cry a bit, and even smell the coffee. 拿出片刻时光与我们共度,搁起你的腿脚,开心大笑,响亮叫喊,然后,品味浓情咖啡!真美,好一片刻美好人生!!
Take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplements to be sure you're meeting your needs when you're on a lower-calorie diet. 使用低热量食谱的同时,为了保证身体的需要,可以适当补充各种维生素和矿物质。
Take a multivitamin every morning. Many studies suggest getting the ideal levels of vitamins and minerals can improve your immune system function and help prevent a variety of cancers. 每天早晨摄入多种维生素。很多研究表明体内理想的维生素及矿物质元素水平能够增强免疫系统功能,有助于抵抗各种癌症。
Take a nap. 小睡一会儿。
Take a nostalgic trip down Route 66 and discover the small towns and attractions that make up the Mother Road in Illinois. 沿着第66大街进行怀旧之旅,你会发现一些小镇和吸引人的事物构成了伊利诺斯州的主要街道。
Take a page out of sexy, cool and very fashionable Sienna Miller's book and look fabulous about town in a mini, dark opaque stockings and flat shoes. 翻开有性感时尚女郎西耶娜·米勒的书中一页,你便可以看到一个风情小镇,满是迷你裙与深色长筒袜和平底鞋的绝妙搭配。
Take a peek at the following 11 [url=http://logoorange.com/]logo design[/url] trends that we think will define the look of 2007. 让我们一同来窥探一下这11种我们认为的2007年标志设计的趋势密码。
Take a peek at the following 11 logo design trends that we think will define the look of 2007. 让我们一同来窥探一下这11种我们认为的2007年标志设计的趋势密码。
Take a pew, old chap. I get you a drink. 坐下,老朋友。我给你弄杯酒来。
Take a photo of the moving picture of their dating behaviors so to add one more eternal memory to the mankind. 拍下它们相会时动人的模样,让人间多一些永恒的景象。
Take a picture or sketch the flower instead of picking it. 把树枝砍下来垫着睡觉产生的利益极小但破坏极大。

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