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What if, one night, something went wrong?

What if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! 62倘或你们看见人子升到他原来所在之处,怎么样呢?
What if you're having troubles at home, then you're having some relationship problems, and maybe some small problems with a roommate and then a couple of exams on top of that? 如果你在家里麻烦不断;有一些人际问题,或许是与室友的小问题;除此之外,还有几场考试等着你,你该怎么办呢?
What if your Sims teens and toddler years fundamentally changed their destinies as adults? 如果你市民的青少年期和孩童时期会如同成人期一样根本性地左右他们将来的命运呢?
What if your math is wrong? 如果你的数学错了呢?
What if, in an even more intricate way, when I pretend to like something, I deceive myself in thinking that I merely pretend to like it, being unaware that I really like it, so that the true goal of my pretending is to convince myself that I am just prete 说得更复杂些,万一假如我假装我喜欢某件东西,我欺骗我自己说只是假装喜欢,却不知道自己其实是真正喜欢,结果我假装的真正目的是要说服我自己,我只是假装,那又会怎麽样?
What if, one night, something went wrong? 万一,一天夜里,事情出了差错怎么办呢?
What if/Say you were to run out of money? What would you do? 假设你的钱用完了呢?你将怎么办呢?
What images come to mind when you think of a trip to Venice? 想到威尼斯一游,你的脑海中会浮现出什么画面?
What immediately draws your eye at the hospital is the neonata intensive care unit (NICU)--where up to 30 babies at a time spend their first days and weeks tangled in tubes and wires, struggling to keep warm and learning what full-term babies already know 在医院里面首先吸引你的眼球的是NICU,那里每次都有超过30个婴儿在那里度过他们的第一天或者第一周,他们都被掺绕着试管和金属线去保持温暖和学习满月婴儿已经会的技能:怎样去呼吸,吸乳和咀嚼。
What impedes you to make progress? 什么事妨碍你取得进步?
What implements are needed for gardening? 园艺需要些什么工具?

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