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Preliminary studies on responses of the seedlings of Cleistocalyx operculatus to flooding
水翁(Cleistocalyx operculatus)幼苗对淹水的反应初报

Research on artificial cultivated technique of Cordyceps militaris(L.)Link and manufacture of health production 北冬虫夏草人工栽培技术研究及保健品研制
Current Research Development of Solid State Fermentation Kinetics and Bioreactor 固态发酵生物反应动力学理论及反应器研究进展
Expression of Recombinant Human Superoxide Dismutase Gene in Escherichia coli Induced by Lactose 乳糖诱导重组人SOD基因在大肠杆菌中的表达
On the Development of Electrochemical Biosensor 关于生物电化学传感器学科发展的思考
The assay of β-lactamase activity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm 铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜中β-内酰胺酶活性的检测
Preliminary studies on responses of the seedlings of Cleistocalyx operculatus to flooding 水翁(Cleistocalyx operculatus)幼苗对淹水的反应初报
Characterization of rpoB mutation in rifampin resistant clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from China 中国耐利福平结核分支杆菌rpoB基因突变特点
Establishment of an insect cell line for high level expression of recombinant protein 一株高水平表达重组蛋白昆虫细胞系的建立
Fractionation of Extracellular Polysaccharides from Agaricus blazei Murill and Its Antitumor Activity 巴西蘑菇胞外多糖的分离及抗肿瘤活性研究
Effectof three insecticides on soil phosphatase activity 3种杀虫剂对土壤磷酸酶活性的影响
Progress in the Study of Pain by Brain Imaging 痛觉的脑功能成像研究进展

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