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Abstract: In the daily operation of computer after a new Interface Card is inserted in the unit, the unit often can't work normally because of the resource clash between the new Interface Card and old equipment of computer.

1 Abstract: In the 1D random traffic flow model,the relationbe tween the correlation functions and the creation,disappearance,brake probabiliti es ofthe vehicles is presented,according to the statistical mechanical approach to thecorrelation functions.And t 已记 看解释
2 Abstract: In the background of variety of prospect in the world, contemporary European landscape architecture is showing a special way of expressing its ideas and forms. 已记 看解释
3 Abstract: In the coming of the new century,it may be very important to review the seismological research for the 20th century,to make self-examination of earthquake prediction ways for several decades in China.This also merit our attention in compiling th 已记 看解释
4 Abstract: In the course of deeply processing of nonmetal mineral, because of the compact structure of mineral, most liquid-solid phase reactions conform to shrinking core model, including unstable diffusion with boundary-moving. 已记 看解释
5 Abstract: In the cultural circle of Confucianism, both generality and differentiae exist in Chinese and Japanese Confucianism. 已记 看解释
6 Abstract: In the daily operation of computer after a new Interface Card is inserted in the unit, the unit often can't work normally because of the resource clash between the new Interface Card and old equipment of computer. 已记 看解释
7 Abstract: In the expert system for failure diagnosis the application and process of the knowledge module about knowledge base has been studied.Authors have developed the knowledge module of the failure diagnosis by oil analysis on single gearbox.Additiona 已记 看解释
8 Abstract: In the exploration process for harnessing and renovating local railways in Shanxi,the interborehole electromagnetic wave fluoroscopy was used to search for mined-out area of coal pits,which yielded satisfactory geological effects. 已记 看解释
9 Abstract: In the face of historical opportunity of state carrying out West development strategy,raising returning the grain plots to forestry and grass and rebuilding mountains and rivers beautiful,points at trunks stream area of Tarim river especially gr 已记 看解释
10 Abstract: In the field of optical wireless links,concentrators that are designed by the tools of nonimaging optics can be used to collect the light radiation and are more compact and have higher collection efficiencies than imaging concentrators.Hemispher 已记 看解释
11 Abstract: In the form of interlocution, this article discusses a few theoretic questions on disaster and famine history:the relationship between the local government and the central government; the problems of replacing relief by loan in Hunan Province;th 已记 看解释

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