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Failing to correctly identify risky areas.

Failing this, she would pick up a pistol nearby and fire it at Miss [whited out]. 否则,她需要那起附近的手枪并且朝[空白]小姐开枪。
Failing this, their profit would fall in resulting economic crisis. 做不到这一点,在随之而来的经济危机中他们的利润就会下降。
Failing this, they will be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom . 要是做不到这一点,他们必须对由此产生的后果负责。
Failing this, they will be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom. 要是做不到这一点,他们必须对由此产生的后果负责。
Failing this,she would listen to the birds. 当这些都看不见以后,她便聆听鸟儿的啼唱。
Failing to correctly identify risky areas. 不能正确识别危险领域。
Failing to declare imported goods and pay the tobacco and alcohol tax and the Health and Welfare Surcharge at thetime of importation. 三国外进口之菸酒,未申报缴纳菸酒税及菸品健康福利捐者。
Failing to disprove Jiang Chun-xuan’s prove of FLT published in early 1992 and mailed to Wiles and over six hundred mathematicians and institutions in China and worldwide, then Wiles, and/or all other mathematicians abroad or in China supporting Wiles, ar 如若未能否定蒋春暄1992年初就已经发表并寄给世界各地600多位数学家与机构的蒋春暄对于费马大定理的证明,则怀尔斯,和/或世界各地与中国支持怀尔斯的所有数学家,没有资格声称或赞同怀尔斯为世界上第一个证明费马大定理的人,且在该问题上不仅欺骗全世界!
Failing to give due heed, care, or attention; inattentive. 不小心的未给予应有的注意小心或关注的;不留心的
Failing to install desulphurizing installations or take other measures for desulphurization in accordance with relevant regulations of the State by enterprise that discharge sulphide-bearing gas in the process of refining petroleum, producing synthetic am (二)排放含有硫化物气体的石油炼制、合成氨生产、煤气和燃煤焦化以及有色金属冶炼的企业,不按照国家有关规定建设配套脱硫装置或者未采取其他脱硫措施的。
Failing to pay the tobacco and alcohol tax and the Health and Welfare Surcharge while selling or using exemptgoods for a purpose not originally intended. 四免税菸酒未经补徵菸酒税及菸品健康福利捐,擅自销售或移作他用者。

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