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The pro bono network has provided critical suste?nance to legal services and public interest groups, which have relied heavily upon pro bono resources to advance their agendas.

The prize was a tangible testimony that she had got a germ of writing ability. 这个奖是一个具体的证明,说明她具有创作才能。
The prize was the spur that made me study hard. 得奖是促使我用功读书的动力。
The prize was to honour him for his great discoveries. 这项奖励是为了对他的重大发现而表示的敬意。
The prize will be a perkier, more resilient economy. 这样做可使日本经济恢复活力,更具弹性。
The prlblem is so complicated that it will take us much time to work it out. 这道题这么复杂,我们要用很多时间才能解决。
The pro bono network has provided critical suste?nance to legal services and public interest groups, which have relied heavily upon pro bono resources to advance their agendas. 公益性服务网络为法律服务和公共利益团体提供了重要的给养,这些群体严重依赖公益性服务资源来推进其工作。
The pro ect of lingering political uncertainty is likely to hit the country's financial markets anew. 由于预期政局会持续不明朗,该国金融市场很可能再受打击。
The pro ective borrower of personal housing loan should be a natural person having a complete civil capacity. 个人购置住房贷款对象应是具有完全民事行为能力的自然人。
The pro-democracy camp was able to gather enough signatures to get a candidate on the ballot for the first time since the handover. 回归后民主派首次得到足够提名去推举一位候选人参选。
The pro-government camp staged a mass walkout in response. 保皇派集体离场抗议。
The pro-pioneer species responsed to N stronger than to P, while two of the three pro-climax species responded to P stronger than to N. 从6或11个月苗木高生长与基径生长的资料而言,趋先驱树种(白桕、长尾柯)将在强光度生长较佳,趋极相树种(香楠、台湾黄杞、江某)则将在中、强光度生长均佳。

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