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Topologically, then, a sphere and a torus are distinct entities.

Topic:East Asian Regionalization: A way to prevent conflicts and build peace? 题目:东亚区域化:防止冲突与建立和平的途径?
Topless sunbathing and g-strings are common on real beaches around France in the summer. 夏季,在法国巴黎的海滩上,上身赤裸和穿丁字裤的日光浴者随处可见。
Topline: Smooth, firm, and slightly sloping. 背线:平滑、坚实且略斜。.
Topographically, Chongqing features hills and low mountains. It has a humid subtropical monsoon climate, characterized by warm winter, hot summer, little frost and snow, heavy fog and less-than normal sunshine. 在地形上,重庆以小山和低山为主要特色。它以潮湿的亚热带季风气候为主,其独特的天气特色是冬暖,夏热,少霜雪,浓雾和低于常规的日照。
Topographically, we may consider the coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental shelf. 从地形角度讲我们可以把沿岸平原看成是大陆架在陆上的类似构造。
Topologically, then, a sphere and a torus are distinct entities. 所以就拓扑学而言,球和环面是不同的东西。
Topology optimization technology and is application in automobile parts design are introduced. 摘要介绍拓扑优化技术及其在汽车零部件设计中的应用。
Topper (opening commercial only) (6/11/54). Actors promote the product, Camel cigarettes. 《礼帽》(只选看开头的广告。)(1954年6月11日)。演员推销骆驼牌香烟这一产品。
Topping the Asia ex Japan regional table this month was China. 本月中国市场的表现在亚太地区(日本除外)中名列前茅。
Topping the bad news, former Fed chief Alan Greenspan said in a speech that the U.S. could slip into a recession by the end of the year. 前联邦储备局主席阿兰·格林斯潘在一次讲话中指出:今年年底美国经济将开始走向衰退,使这些坏消息听起来更加雪上加霜。
Topping the goal charts and a favourite of manager Jose Mourinho, Drogba is expected to receive a sizeable hike in his pay but as yet, a deal has not been brokered. 在射手榜上一骑绝尘,同时又是主帅穆里尼奥的最爱,德罗巴当然期望获得符合其身价的加薪合同,但是这份顺理成章的合同依然迟迟不见踪影。

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