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There is also a comprehensive treatment of optimality conditions, Lagrange multiplier theory, and duality theory.

There is also Confucianism: Vietnam has kept some useful bits, such as the belief in education and self-betterment, without the feudalistic overtones. 儒家思想也是一个影响因素:越南保留了其中一些实用的内容,比如关于教育和自我完善的理念,而摒弃了一些具有封建色彩的东西。
There is also a 5% chance the Nova Bomb will explode on launch. 新型炸弹亦会有5%的几率会在引爆时爆炸。
There is also a beautiful courtship ballet performed by Australian squid that change colour as they dance. 当秋天来临时,阳光照射到海洋的光线也微弱起来,海水渐冷,海鸟会疯狂地捕捉海面的鱼过冬。
There is also a black woman in it who plays the part of a black fortune teller. She is a humorous and kind-hearted woman. 这里面还有个女黑人扮演的算命大师,她是个幽默而善良的人。
There is also a cable machine that can be adapted for training a wide range of muscles, such as biceps and triceps. 还有一种绳索拉力器,经过调整后,它可以锻炼更多部位的肌肉,如二头肌和三头肌。
There is also a comprehensive treatment of optimality conditions, Lagrange multiplier theory, and duality theory. 这门课程也包括了对最适化条件,拉格朗日乘数理论,和对偶理论的综合论述。
There is also a correlation between mathematical reasoning and temporal-lobe activity in men—but none in women. 在男性中数学推论能力和颞叶活动存在关联,而女性却没有。
There is also a different way of eating in Italy. 意大利的饮食方法也有所不同。
There is also a garden around the house. 房子周围是小花园。
There is also a general lowering of vigor in inbred stock (inbreeding depression), which is especially pronounced amongst normally outbreeding populations. 而杂合型出现的频率降低,因而降低了种群基因的潜在可变性。
There is also a lack of rigour about the phrase “private banking”. “私人银行业务”这个短语也没有严格定义。

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