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The group says military coups in Thailand and Fiji led to the suspension of legal protections for press freedom and new controls on media coverage.

The group says French fisherman kill up to 2,000 dolphins every year by pair-trawling-dragging nets strung between two boats. 该团体声称,法国渔民以双拖方式─两艘船拉起拖网前进,每年屠杀了高达两千只海豚。
The group says employers are most interested in students with business, engineering and computer related training. 该组织表示,雇主对有过经济,工程和计算机相关培训的学生最感兴趣。
The group says employers are most interested in students with business, engineering and computer-related training. 该组织称,老板们对商学、工程和计算机相关的学生最感兴趣。
The group says employers are most intested in students with business, engineering, and computer related training. 联盟说雇主对那些商业,工程,计算机相关专业的学生最感兴趣。
The group says employers are mostly interested in students with business, engineering, and computer-related training. 该组织说雇主们对商业、工程和计算机相关培训的学生最感兴趣。
The group says military coups in Thailand and Fiji led to the suspension of legal protections for press freedom and new controls on media coverage. 该组织还说,泰国和斐济的军事政变使这些国家对新闻自由的法律保护中断,并对媒体报导施行新的控制。
The group says the trade is often closely linked to organized crime, and follows the same routes as those used to smuggle drugs and people. 该组织还称,这种贸易经常与有组织的犯罪有密切联系,而且与那些走私的毒品和人口采用相同的渠道。
The group stages conclude on 11th December, with Chelsea to play Valencia, Schalke and Rosenborg home and away. 小组赛直到12月11日,暴发户对阵巴伦西亚,沙儿科和罗森博格得主客场比赛。
The group surrounded a dog. Concerned lest the boys were hurting the dog, he went over and ask, What are you doing with that dog? 某牧师在街道上行走着,突然,他碰到一群男孩大约有十几个,年纪在10到12岁之间。这群男孩围着一只狗。因担心他们会伤害那只狗,所以他走过去问:“你们怎么处理这狗呀?”
The group tends to defer to a large extent to those who emerge as leaders (poor fools! 在很大程度上团体成员更倾向于服从那些看上去象领导的人。
The group tested a total of 36 babies aged four, six or eight months from English-speaking homes, and aged six and eight months from French-English bilingual families. 研究小组测试了总共36个宝宝,其中来自只讲英语家庭的宝宝有4个月大的、有6个月大的,或是8个月大的;来自讲法语和英语的双语家庭的宝宝大小为6个月和8个月。

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