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Jack shut his eyes in fear(fearfully).

Jack sat on the fence for a week last spring before he finally joined the track team. 杰克去年春天经过了一周的考虑,最后决定加入田径队。
Jack saw a stranger go into his house. 捷克看见一个陌生人进了他的家。
Jack says he didn't go to work because he was ill but I think he speaks with a forked tongue. 杰克说,他没去上班是因为生病,但我认为他是在说谎。
Jack seemed to bear a charmed life; not a bullet struck him. 杰克似乎有天护神佑,没一颗子弹打中他。
Jack shall have Gill. 有情人终成眷属。
Jack shut his eyes in fear(fearfully). 杰克害怕得闭上了眼睛。
Jack stole a match on Bill, and got the job by getting up earlier. 杰克悄悄占先一步,比比尔早起而抡到了这份工作。
Jack swam across the river. 杰克游过河去了。
Jack the Ripper died a long time ago, didn't he? 我手足无措了,凶手杰克不是死了很久了吗?
Jack thinks he is the cock of the walk. 杰克认为自己是众人之首领。
Jack thought we were going to lose at first. 杰克一开始以为我们会输掉比赛。

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