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) about quasi one-dimensional flow.

) The best effect is still to see a little of the skin detail, like pores, etc. (注:因为可能不一定是70%,反正你觉得满意就行。
) What combination of roses do you pick? ﹞你会如何组合这些玫瑰?
) What is the length and frequency of the prayer? 祈祷的长度和频率又如何?
) Who would cry for spilled milk and cry for the unknown ending? 谁会为泼掉的牛奶和焉知的祸福而哭?
) With too much animated content your website can easily look like a game slot machine. 加太多动态内容的话,你的网页很容易会像个电动玩具一样。
) about quasi one-dimensional flow. 关于准一维流的东西”。
) and a sense of the labor and skills involved in constructing a simple costume piece. ,并理解制作一件简单服装所需的工作和技能。
) and centuries of historical upheaval and change, can only be described as an assault on the senses. 、历经几个世纪历史变迁的开罗,只能以感官上的震撼来加以形容。
) and his keen ear has allowed him to compose all of these songs in his head. “)他那敏锐的耳朵赋予了他将头脑中构思的旋律谱写出来的能力。
) and research a green tech. )和研究绿色技术。
) and see the neighborhood with fresh, mew eyes. ,用新奇的目光观察住处周围的地区。

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