The Fluoride Action Network is an international coalition seeking to broaden public awareness about the toxicity of fluoride compounds and the health impacts of current fluoride exposures.
描述:氟化物行动网络是一个国际合作网站,旨在提高公众对氟化物毒性的了解和对人类健康的影响的了解。其中一个专栏详细地记录的氟化物污染方面的信息和知识。 |
The Flushometer operates by means of an infrared sensor that adapts to its surrounding.
冲水阀采用红外线感应器,根据环境变化自动控制冲水阀的运行。 |
The Flying Tiger brand horizontal machine is the products of Taiwan/Zhangjiagang Shengmeei machine Co., Ltd., it is our main agent's brand.
飞虎牌横机是台湾/张家港盛美机械有限公司的产品,是我们的主要代理品牌。 |
The FoCM Workshop on Learning Theory supports and promotes research on foundations of computational mathematics.
计算数学基金会学习理论讨论会支持和促进计算数学基础研究。 |
The Fokker 100 plane with 79 people aboard en route to Rio de Janeiro returned to the airport safely 18 minutes after taking off.
这架载有79名乘客的福克尔100飞机当时正打算飞往里约热内卢,因为这场突发事故它在起飞后18分钟又返回了机场。 |
The Foleys are among the thousands of homeowners on the brink of losing their homes.
“如果你是正身处困难的房主,那这更是雪上加霜。 |
The Fontal.A malware does not spread in mobile networks.
恶意软件不会在手机网络里传播。 |
The Food Animal Initiative combines scientists from Oxford University and farmers funded by British food industry giants supermarket Tesco and burger chain McDonalds UK.
英国牛津大学的一些科学家和由英国食品工业中的超市巨头泰斯克以及麦当劳共同资助的一些农民共同制定了这项名为食用动物权力的计划。 |
The Food and Drug Administration is allowing Plan B to be sold to women 18 and older without a prescription.
美国食品与药物管理局将允许向18岁及以上的女性出售“B计划”避孕药,而不需要其出示医生处方。 |
The Food and Drug Administration says meat and milk from clones of adult cattle, pigs and goats are safe to eat.
食品与药品管理局表示成年克隆牛,猪,羊的肉奶产品可以安全食用。 |
The FoodStandards Agency has long held a sceptical line, while the AdvertisingStandards Authority has banned organic producers from making healthclaims.
当英国广告标准委员会禁止有机产品有益健康的声明时,食品标准局始终站在怀疑者的阵营。 |