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Though most of us seemed happy, we were all disappointed to some extent.

Though millions of tourists flock here during fall-foliage season, most Vermonters stay close to home, enjoying the seasonal changes in a tree or two outside their doors. 尽管每年秋天落叶纷飞的时候就会有数以百万计的游客流连于此,但是大多数佛蒙特人则更为钟情欣赏自家门前那一两棵树的四季风情。
Though more specific analytical issues concerning microbiological assay radioimmunoassay and stereoisomer assay were not examined, this article should provide good guidance to pharmaceutical chemists to properly perform analytical method validation and ca 作者将为从事分析方法认证的工作者提供指南,但对专属分析方法的认证如微生物分析,同位素免疫分析及立体异构体分析未及论述。
Though most of his film efforts have been well-received only by fans of his goofy sketch humor, Sandler wins people over in droves, a fact evidenced by the box-office success of his 1998 starring vehicles The Wedding Singer, in which he appeared opposite 亚当大多数电影都还只是受到那些喜欢他愚昧滑稽短剧的影迷的欢迎,1998年他主演的《婚礼歌手》大爆票房,片中他与德鲁·巴利摩尔演对手戏,《呆呆向前冲》也在上映周票房超过三千九百万美元,这证明他已经赢得了大多数观众的心。
Though most of his film efforts have been well-received only by fans of his goofy sketch humor, Sandler wins people over in droves, a fact evidenced by the box-office success of his 1998 starring vehicles The Wedding Singer, in which he appeared opposite 亚当大多数电影都还只是受到那些喜欢他愚昧滑稽短剧的影迷的欢迎,1998年他主演的《婚礼歌手》大爆票房,片中他与德鲁·巴利摩尔演对手戏,《呆呆向前冲》也在上映周票房超过三千九百万美元,这证明他已经赢得了大多数观众的心。
Though most of us deny it, we are all responsible for this to some extent. 虽然我们大多数人都不愿承认,我们对此事都在某种程度上负有责任。
Though most of us seemed happy, we were all disappointed to some extent. 虽然我们大多数人看上去很高兴,其实大家在某种程度上都有些失望。
Though much of the class will be devoted to exploring the evolution of a new literary tradition by and for women from its earliest emergence in the West, wider historical and cultural movements will also be addressed: the Fall of the Roman Empire, the gro 尽管大部分课程将致力于考察由西方新兴女性领导并为女性而产生的新文学传统的发展,更为宽泛的历史文化运动也将被集中研究,其中包括:罗马帝国的衰亡,宗教团体的发展,从口述文学到书面文学的转变,宫廷文化和优雅的爱,经院哲学和大学的兴起,宗教习俗的变化,异教徒遭受迫害以及民族主义和阶级意识的出现。
Though much of the sixteenth century, the English had mixed feelings about the New World. 在16世纪的大部分时间里,英国人对于新大陆怀有复杂的感情。
Though multiple submucosal lipomas or lipomatous polyposis involving the small and large intestine segmentally or diffusely have been described [1,2], diffuse lipomatous polyposis of colon is still very rare and is infrequently encountered in clinical pra 虽然局部或广泛发生在小肠或大肠的脂肪瘤或脂肪息肉病已被提及过,然而大肠广泛脂肪息肉病仍然少见且甚少在临床上被提出。
Though my English is very poor ,I also want to come in.You all will be my teachers and friends. 无论快乐或是失意,总是藏在心底。只知道坚强,把所有的痛自己扛。我为我爱的人而存在,一切名利与我皆是过眼云烟。。。
Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. 虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。

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