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I know him better than to misunderstand him.

I know he's upset, but that is no justification for his rude behaviour. 我知道他很心烦,但是这不能作为他态度粗暴的合理解释。
I know her face but I can't call her name to mind. 我认得她,但我想不起她的名字了。
I know her face but I can't call her name to mind. 我认得她,但想不起她的名字了。
I know her insolence but it is futile,declares the LORD, and her boasts accomplish nothing. 30耶和华说,我知道他的忿怒是虚空的。他夸大的话一无所成。
I know he’s guilty. I caught him red-handed. 我肯定他有罪。他作案时被我当场抓住。
I know him better than to misunderstand him. 我对他了解较深,不致于会误解他。
I know him but my name is Daniel. 我了解他,但是我的名字是丹尼尔。
I know him not should I meet him in my pottage dish. 酒肉之交非朋友.
I know him only by name. 我只知道他的名字。
I know him to have been a promising student of intelligence and ability. I strongly recommend him in his application. 我确信在智慧和能力方面他是一个很有希望的学生。为此我特别愿意推荐他。
I know how great a labour he had undertaken. 我知道他从事的是多么艰巨的劳动。

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