The monarchy is seen by some as an anachronism in present-day society.
君主政体在当今社会中被一些人视为是过时的制度. |
The monastery not only owns the movable property of large quantity, owning the real estate of large quantity at the same time, becoming one of the important corpuses of the feudalistic society property rights.
寺院不仅拥有大量动产,同时拥有大量不动产,成为封建社会财产所有权的重要主体之一。 |
The monastery says the Dalai Lama will visit the complex in the Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar, later this month.
这个寺院说,达赖喇嘛将在这个月晚些时候访问位于蒙古首都乌兰巴托的这个寺院。 |
The monastery was square-roofed, austere,with barrack windows. There were fish tanks at the back and a terrace on which the monks would have walked.
那座庙是方顶、木窗,十分简朴。庙后面有一些鱼缸,还有一个平台,和尚可以在上面随意走动。 |
The monastic community generally lives a life of simplicity.
僧侣界通常过着简朴生活。 |
The monastry of Jeronimos at the downtown of Lisbon.
里斯本市中心热罗尼姆斯大教堂。 |
The monetary policy is about discount.
这项金融政策是关于贴现服务的。 |
The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold.
某些国家的货币制度过去一直是金本位的。 |
The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold .
过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。 |
The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold.
过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。 |
The monetary unit of Great Britain is the pound.
英国的货币单位是镑. |