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From left to right field, Hideki Matsui, Johnny Damon and Bobby Abreu are projected to return as starters when the club begins its pursuit of the franchise's 27th World Series title.

From jurisprudence aspect, many important theories in the history of private international Law were based on the theory of natural law. 摘要自然法理论作为国际私法上诸多重要理论的法哲学基石,是确立自体法理论在现代国际私法中的地位的依据。
From just the entrance, in the southern part of the bay, up to a second slack water area, about midway up the bay, tidal currents are ebbing. 在海湾的南部,从紧靠入口处内侧直到第二平潮区,其间距离大约是到海湾的一半,潮流正在回落。
From landmark office buildings on Hong Kong's skyline to luxury residential properties in the United Kingdom, Hutchison Whampoa Properties Limited develops and invests in leading real estate projects. 和记黄埔地产有限公司发展与投资多个重要物业项目,包括香港的地标商厦,以至伦敦的豪华住宅。
From layer menu apply layer mask>>reveal selection. 点击图层-添加图层蒙板-显示选区。
From left are Federation Chairman Chen Jiageng (Tan Kah Kee), Vice Chairman Zhuaug Xiyan (Tjung Sie Gan, Chinese leader in Dutch East Indies) and Li Qingquan (Lee Cheng Chuan, Chinese leader in the Philippines ). (左起)南侨总会主席陈嘉庚、副主席庄西言(荷属东印侨领,荷印即今印度尼西亚)、副主席李清泉(菲律宾侨领)。
From left to right field, Hideki Matsui, Johnny Damon and Bobby Abreu are projected to return as starters when the club begins its pursuit of the franchise's 27th World Series title. 从左外野到右外野,依序是松井秀喜(酷斯拉,马猪蚁),强尼戴蒙(大门),巴比阿伯优(阿伯),都将在洋基要争夺队史第二十七座世界冠军的先发阵容当中。
From left to right: Samui as a teddy bear, Falora as a bee, Elaine as a frog, and Belinda as a catgirl. 从左到右:饰玩具熊的寒穆﹑饰蜜蜂的珐露蕾﹑饰青蛙的佁霖﹑和饰猫女的珼琳。
From left: U.S. astronauts John Phillips and Leroy Chiao watch as I-talian astronaut Roberto Vittori and Russian cos-monaut Salizhan Sharipov embrace each other on board the interna-tional space station as seen during a televised linkup with the Russian M 4月17日,俄罗斯首都莫斯科郊外科罗廖夫地面控制中心的电视画面显示,意大利宇航员维托里与俄罗斯宇航员沙里波夫在国际空间站内紧紧拥抱,画面中左边两个人是美国宇航员菲利普斯(左一)和焦立中。
From local records of earthquakes and aftershocks, we knew that on the day following a magnitude 7.3 event, the chance of another large shock striking within 100 kilometers is nearly 67 percent—20,000 times the likelihood on any other day. 从当地的地震和馀震记录来看,在100公里範围内,我们知道在规模7.3的地震后,发生其他大地震的机率为67%,是平常的两万倍。
From log cabin to White House,my dear,isn't done by witchcraft anymore. 亲爱的,要想成功发达,决不能靠变魔术,玩把戏。
From loud barks to thunderous booms, hornbill cries resound across a range that extends from the dry savannas of sub-Saharan Africa to the lush forests of Melanesia. 无论在撒哈拉以南非洲的干燥热带草原还是在美拉尼西亚茂密的森林中都可以听到犀鸟如雷的叫声。

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