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She gave up on the eighth day.

She gave the man a prod with her umbrella. 她用伞捅了那男子一下。
She gave the order to the waiter, using her hands very expressively. 她给侍者单子,非常特意地弄她的手。
She gave the sheets a warm by the fire before putting them on the bed. 她把被褥烤暖後再铺到床上.
She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如实地讲述了发生的事情。
She gave them the parking tag . 她把她的停车牌给了他们。
She gave up on the eighth day. 她在第八天放弃了.
She gave us a box of tissues. 她递给我们一盒纸巾。
She gave us a demonstration of the machine to show how it worked. 她给我们作示范,说明怎样操作这部机器。
She gave us a demonstration of the machine to show us how it worked. 她为我们做了示范来说明那台机器的用法。
She gave us a washing-machine. 她送给我们一台洗衣机.
She gave us an expressive smile. 她意味深长地笑了笑。

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