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Nearby the erected statue and monuments of suburb, a gym located there.

Nearby is a statue of three soldiers. They are looking in the direction of the names. Another statue honors the service of women in the war. 附近有一座由三名士兵组成的雕像群.他们仿佛正朝刻有名字的石碑方向凝望着.另一座雕像是用于纪念在战争中做出贡献的女性.
Nearby is the Great Sphinx statue, with a man's face and a lion's body. 金字塔一旁是狮身人面的斯芬克司雕像。
Nearby lakes were so contaminated that they couldn't be used to water crops. 附近湖泊由于污染太严重,甚至无法用来灌溉谷物。
Nearby my family has a creek. The creek throughout the year all very is beautiful. 我家附近有一条小河。小河一年四季都很美。
Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons. 照犹太人洁净的规矩、有六口石缸摆在那里、每口可以盛两三桶水。
Nearby the erected statue and monuments of suburb, a gym located there. 在市郊笔直的雕像和纪念碑附近,坐落着一个体育馆。
Nearby there was a small river rushing along between some green fields. 附近有一条小河急流在一些绿野之间。
Nearby were two canoes in which they had cine to the island. 附近有二条独木舟,他们就是坐这个独木舟来的。
Nearby, the emerging college city of Songjiang turned to a British engineering consultancy to construct an English-style community called Thames Town. 附近兴建的松江大学城聘请了一家英国的工程咨询公司,打造了一个名为泰晤士镇的英式社区。
Nearby, two young women advertised a special promotion at a local tanning studio. 附近,两名妇女在一个本地晒黑的演播室里给广告做一个特别节目。
Nearing his last year at MIT, he was on the cusp of a time of confusion, searching for a future that was both satisfying and compelling. 在麻绳理工快到最后一年了,也是他最困惑的时候,他在寻找一个既满意又刺激的未来。

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