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Shearer was slumped on the grass consoling himself while it was Adams who juggled shaking hands with the opposition and the officials and comforted Beckham later in the changing rooms.

Shear properties in the plane of the panel (interlaminar shear) duplicate the kind of shear stress encountered in such glued structural assemblies as structural sandwiches and adjacent to gluelines between ?anges and webs in box-beams and I-beams and guss 面板表面剪切性能(层间剪切),在遇到粘合结构组合例如结构夹层以及靠近于边缘,箱束网和构架盘上三角片间的粘合线时,使剪切应力双倍.
Shear properties in the plane of the panel (interlaminar shear) duplicate the kind of shear stress encountered in such glued structural assemblies as structural sandwiches and adjacent to gluelines between flanges and webs in box-beams and I-beams and gus 面板平面的剪切特性(层间剪切),与夹层结构这类粘合组件,以及箱形梁、工字梁凸缘与腹板间的焊接层和桁架加固板附近位置所受的剪切应力类型相同。
Shearer - who recently completed his UEFA A coaching licence - is working for the BBC as a pundit at the World Cup. 不过更有现实意义的是希勒最近已经完成了欧足联开设的足球教练执照的学习课程,现在正在给BBC当世界杯的足球解说顾问。
Shearer was at Wembley last night to see Owen and his Newcastle United team-mate Alan Smith lead the line for England against arch-rivals Germany. 希勒昨晚也出现在温布利,他看了欧文和其纽卡队友史密斯组成的锋线。
Shearer was in the Newcastle dug-out during Saturday's 3-0 win over West Bromwich Albion at St James' Park but briefly emerged in the 75th minute to a tremendous ovation from the 52,272 crowd. 希勒在周末纽卡主场3-0击败西布朗维奇的比赛中坐在场边,但是第75分钟他站出来接受全场52,272名球迷的欢呼致敬。
Shearer was slumped on the grass consoling himself while it was Adams who juggled shaking hands with the opposition and the officials and comforted Beckham later in the changing rooms. 队长希勒痛苦的倒在草地上不住的自我安慰,而亚当斯却在同对手和官员握手,随后更是在更衣室中安慰贝壳汉姆。
Sheaths are also made to command high appreciation and value. 刀鞘被制作的具有很高的观赏性和价值。
Shedding tears; tearful. 哭泣的;泪汪汪的
Sheed, who won a 1987 Grammy Award for Best Album Notes (for Sinatra's The Voice), spoke over the decades with many of these Great American Songbook creators and their families. 本书中,威福瑞·席德描述了一些叮砰巷、百老汇及好莱坞顶尖作曲家的趣闻轶事。
Sheen also talked about his latest film Bobby - about Robert F Kennedy, written and directed by his son, Emilio Estevez - which is to open in Ireland in January. 希恩也谈到了他最近的电影《鲍比》—由他的儿子艾米利奥?艾斯特维兹编剧并导演的关于罗伯特?肯尼迪的故事—将于一月份在爱尔兰上映。
Sheep are white,and milk is white too. 羊是白色的,奶也是白色的。

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