This would partly address the regulatory lacunae revealed by successive scandals at the NYSE.
这将部分弥补纽约证券交易所—系列丑闻所暴露出的监管漏洞。 |
This would please the Hawaiian ancestors very much, and would be the first step towards Hawaiian sovereignty.
美国分裂将让夏威夷人祖先非常高兴,并将成为夏威夷走向自治的第一步。 |
This would produce shock wave owing to splice of compress wave.
随着激光的持续辐照,陆续传入靶内的压缩波会形成一个阵面陡峭的激波。 |
This would put the dates in the canon out by at least two years since the date of Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday in CS8 gives the events in the early part of Order of the Phoenix as having taken place in August 1995.
这和原著中的日期至少差了两年,因为在CS8中差点没头的尼克忌辰的日期使得在《凤凰社》早期的事件在1995年八月发生。 |
This would require the involvement of the society as a whole, the international and technical cooperation agencies, political decision makers, private and public communication sectors, as well as teachers and parents.
这需要整个社会的介入,国际性和技术性的合作代理,政治决策者,私人和公共通讯部门,以及教师和父母。 |
This would seem above and beyond the call after the grueling summer tournament schedule. Scola did not see it that way.
这看起来比大汗淋漓的的美洲杯更艰苦,似乎也不是份内之事,但斯科拉另有想法。 |
This would seem so trite as to need no further elaboration.
这全是老生常谈,无需多加发挥。 |
This would seem to be a self-evident statement, but it's important to note.
这是不言自明的,但仍需要特别说明一下。 |
This would seem to point to the existence of a parent with mystical inclinations whose behavior affects you profoundly.
这似乎指示了如下事实,你的双亲之一将带有神秘倾向,并且那个人的行为举止或品行将深深的影响你。 |
This would seem to show that Mr. Cobalt is hardly right in saying that the first word that occurs is always the best.
这样说来,考拜特先生所说的最先闪现于脑海的词总是最好的这种说法未必可靠。 |
This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it.
这样就解决了通风问题。因为如果有列火车开进隧道,它就把新鲜空气随之抽进了隧道。 |