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Kutuzov wrote to that effect to the Tsar.

Kurt: Of course . But Fraulein Helga's was the ugliest. 寇特:当然是的。但是赫尔凯的最难看。
Kuso on the Internet is the hot topic now. We can know Kuso well, based on analyzing the form, characteristics and reasons of Internet Kuso-Movies from various viewpoints of arts. 摘要网络恶搞现象是目前人们热烈讨论的话题。从作品的多义性这个全新的角度对网络恶搞现象的表现形式、特征及其产生的原因进行分析,我们可以更客观地把握恶搞现象的本质以及发展趋势。
Kutna Hora developed as a result of the exploitation of the silver mines. 库特纳霍拉的发展是银矿开采的结果。
Kutner insists there is no hurry for Lampard to sign on the dotted line and told the News of the World: If Frank wanted to get away from Chelsea he could have easily done it by now - but of course he hasn't. 库特纳向世界新闻报表示兰帕德并不急于与俱乐部续约:“如果兰帕德想要离开切尔西的话那他早就走了,当然我们看到他并没有离开切尔西。”
Kuto - When translating becomes a game ! 什么时候翻译也会成为一个游戏!
Kutuzov wrote to that effect to the Tsar. 库图佐夫亦曾如此禀报陛下。
Kutuzov's wish was to attack next day, and all the army shared this desire. 库图佐夫想在次日发起攻击,全军将士也都这样想。
Kuwait Stock Exchange: POB 222235, Kuwait City; telex 44015; f. 1893. 科威特证券交易所:科威特城;1893年成立。
Kuwait When the bridal bridegroom enters the new home, after accompanies the person to withdraw, the bridegroom, the bride worships on bended knees, then the bridegroom makes an effort to pull the bride, demonstrated own military might are powerful; But t 科威特.当新娘新郎进入新房,陪伴人退出后,新郎、新娘跪拜,然后新郎用力拉新娘,以显示自己的威武有力;而新娘也不甘示弱,奋起反击。
Kuwait has a range of U.S. and French 155 mm artillery systems. 目前科威特拥有一定数量的美制和法制155毫米大炮系统。
Kuwait has signed an agreement to purchase artillery from China. 科威特和中国签了一个购买大炮的协议。

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