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Some mousse will help to set the hair.

Some monosyllabic Chinese kin terms can be used to form neologisms referring to people of a profession or with special characteristics. 汉语中的单音节亲属称谓语“爷”“婆”“哥”“嫂”“姐”“妹”“弟”等能像后缀一样构成新词,多用于指称从事某一行业或具有某一特征的人。
Some monsters (such as beastmen) have such strong wills that it is impossible to coerce them into fighting for you. 有一些怪物(比方说兽人什么的)具有很强的意志,几乎不可能驱使它们为你战斗.
Some more information about attachments and viruses/worms: 一些有关实习及病毒/蠕虫:
Some mothers take a prenatal vitamin supplement as a precaution. 某些母亲使用孕期维他命来预防营养不足。
Some moths simulate dead leaves. 有些蛾拟态为枯叶。
Some mousse will help to set the hair. 擦些摩丝能帮助头发定型。
Some movies have a cast of thousands. 有些电影有好几千人的演员阵容。
Some multilevel marketing plans are legitimate. 有一些多层次直销是合法的。
Some mushrooms are good to eat; some; such as toadstools, are poisonous. 有些菌类很好吃,然而有些便是有毒的,例如毒菌。
Some mushrooms are poisonous. 有些蘑菇有毒。
Some music record and film companies in Hong Kong have complained of losing millions of dollars each year due to illegal internet downloads. 有些唱片公司和电影公司埋怨网上非法下载对它们造成数以百万元的损失。

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