The top 5 per cent of income earners account for half the entire tax take - hence the controversial idea of introducing a goods and services tax (GST), in order to spread the burden beyond the rich and the middle classes.
整个税收的一半由收入最高的5%的人缴纳,因此有人提出引入商品服务税(GST),以便纳税负担不仅由富人和中产阶级来承担,而这个想法引起了争议。 |
The top European university outside Britain was the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, in 13th place.
除了英国之外,排名领先的欧洲大学还有排名13的苏黎世联邦工业大学。 |
The top U.S. military officer retired Friday, and was replaced for the first time by a general from the Marine Corps.
美国军方的最高级官员星期五退休,并且这个职位头一次由海军陆战队的一名将军接任。 |
The top U.S. military officer, General Richard Meyers, said Thursday an initial look at camp records did not turn up any incident that would confirm the Newsweek report.
美国军方高级将领理查德。迈尔斯将军星期四说,对关塔纳摩湾监狱记录的初步调查没有发现任何可以证实《新闻周刊》报导的情况。 |
The top US military official in Iraq predicted Monday that the landmark January 30 general elections would be disrupted by insurgent attacks and that the level of violence would continue unabated even after the polls.
驻伊美军高官周一预测,本月三十日标志伊拉克走进新里程的大选,将受到武装分子发动的袭击扰乱,即使大选后暴力浪潮不会退却。 |
The top and bottoms range are very feminine but with a strong sporting connotation.
这套衣服设计非常女性化,但非常结实耐穿,适合运动。 |
The top bar is the “Protection linking piece [Soft], Protection linking piece [Hard]” changeover bar (the color of the bar is always grey).
第一个是“保护压板[软]、保护压板[硬]”切换条(颜色始终为灰色)。 |
The top benefit in both polls was improved security with 78 percent of respondents citing that feature.
两次调查中普遍认为最大的益处在于其改进的安全性,有78%的受调查者为此投赞成票。 |
The top branches of the two trees interlace with one another.
这两棵树的树顶树枝相互交织在一起。 |
The top button fell off the shirt.
衬衫最上面的纽扣掉落了。 |
The top can be reached by elevator or by iron stairway.
到塔顶可以乘电梯或走铁梯。 |