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Mary leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive.

Mary kept running up behind her brother and seizing his cap from his head. As she ran away laughing, he said,Oh, can't you stop playing silly buggers! 玛丽不停地跟在她哥哥后面跑,抓他头上戴的帽子。当她笑着跑开时,哥哥说:“哟,你别瞎胡闹好不好!”
Mary kissed her aunt good-bye but her aunt didn't kiss her back.Why? 玛莉问了吻了姑姑再见,可是姑姑却没有吻玛莉,为什么?
Mary kissed her mother good night. 玛丽吻了她母亲以道晚安。
Mary knew children through and through. After all, she had brought up six of her own. 玛丽非常了解小孩。她自己的6个孩子都是她亲手带大的。
Mary laughed at Barbara's hairdo. Barbara told Mary where to head in. 玛丽嘲笑巴巴拉的发型,巴巴拉把玛丽训斥了一通。
Mary leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive. 玛丽在等出租汽车时,百无聊赖,便随手翻翻几本旧杂志。
Mary left her job largely because she was bored. 玛丽离开了她的工作,主要是因为感到厌倦了。
Mary likes her job as baby tender. 玛丽喜欢做照料婴儿的工作。
Mary likes violin, but Tom doesn't. 玛丽喜欢小提琴,而汤姆不喜欢。
Mary lost track of her friends at camp after summer was over. 夏天过后,玛丽就和她一起宿营的朋友失去了联系。
Mary loves wearing her diamonds. 玛丽喜欢带她的钻石。

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