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Let me do nothing when I have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when water is silent.

Let me consult my boss. 让我与上司商量一下。
Let me count...., one...four, I can speak four lanugages, mandarin, contongues, Hakka and English.En....and I can speak a little Japanese. 让我数数……,1……4,我会四种,普通话,粤语,客家话和英语,哦,还有日语也稍微懂一点。
Let me demonstrate to you how this machine works. 我来给你演示这台机器是怎样操作的。
Let me discovers incaution letting it to kidnap you, you don't get lost, liking? 8让我发现不小心让它拐走了你,你不要迷路,好吗?
Let me dispel any lingering notion that shopaholism is a make-believe disorder afflicting only bored housewives and Sex and the Citytypes. 对于所有那些认定并非真的存在购物癖这种只会折磨无聊家庭主妇和“欲望都市型”女性的症状的惯性思维,就让我来打破吧。
Let me do nothing when I have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when water is silent. 无事可做时,让我什么都不作,在深深的宁静中不受干扰,一如海边风平浪静时的黄昏。
Let me doing nothing when I have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seeshore when the water is silent. 我无所事事时,不要打扰我,让我什么也别做,沉浸到深深的和平里去吧,就像那海水沉寂时海滨的暮色。
Let me drink to your health. 让我为你的健康干杯。
Let me eaplain the reason of late. 让我解释迟到的理由.
Let me elaborate briefly on the relationship between price stability and the other two goals of monetary policy. 让我再进一步对价格稳定与其他两个货币政策目标之间的关系解释一下。
Let me emphasize how nece ary it is to abide by the contract. 我要强调,遵守合约是十分必要的。

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