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The mother often tells her children fairy tales and story from folklore.

The mother of Snow-White and Rose-Red went to live with them. 红、白玫瑰的母亲也和他们住在一起。
The mother of a Michigan policeman has been accused of robbing two banks. 密歇根州一名警察57岁的母亲玛格丽特·安·托马斯·欧文最近被控抢劫银行。
The mother of the kidnapped child was crazy with worry. 那个被绑架的孩子的母亲担心得几乎发狂了。
The mother of the lost children scarcely knew what she was doing in her distraction. 这位丧子的母亲简直不知道在心烦意乱时要做些什麽。
The mother often hangs upside down from a branch like a sloth, and the patagium then looks and feels like a hammock for the baby. 猫猴妈妈通常会懒洋洋地倒挂在树枝上,这样翼膜就变成了猫猴宝宝的“吊床”。
The mother often tells her children fairy tales and story from folklore. 这位母亲经常给她的孩子们讲童话和民间传说的故事。
The mother often told her children fairy tales and stories from folklore. 这位母亲经常给她的孩子们讲童话和民间传说的故事。
The mother patted the little girl to make her go to sleep. 母亲拍小女孩入睡。
The mother pinched her son's cheek. 母亲捏儿子的脸颊一下。
The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle. 母亲摇动摇篮使婴儿入睡.
The mother s breath is aye sweet. 母亲的气息,永远是甜美的。

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